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发布时间:2018-11-08 19:09
[Abstract]:The change of precipitation is an important factor that affects the greenhouse gas emission of soil, and different management measures, such as straw mulching, fertilization and crop planting, also play a certain role in the greenhouse gas emission of farmland soil. In order to understand the effect of different management measures on greenhouse gases in farmland soil, pot simulated precipitation during summer free season and simulated precipitation in wheat field during growth period were studied. Three greenhouse gases (CO2,CH4,) were determined by static box gas chromatography. The main results are as follows: 1) through pot precipitation experiment and growth period precipitation experiment, we found that the water content is low. Soil respiration and N _ 2O emission were lower, while CH4 was absorbed. Precipitation can effectively promote soil respiration and change soil from sink of CH4 to source of CH4. Precipitation can also promote denitrification and N2O emission. However, the effects of different precipitation on the three greenhouse gases are different. Generally speaking, when the precipitation is low (0-8mm), the three greenhouse gases will reach the peak emission within 1-4 hours. However, precipitation with high precipitation has a significant delayed effect on the emission peak. 2) in both pot and growth stage precipitation experiments, soil respiration is significantly correlated with soil temperature at different precipitation levels, but only at low moisture content. Soil temperature is the main controlling factor of soil CO2 emission rate. When soil moisture content is high, both temperature and moisture affect soil respiration rate. For CH4, the emission was only controlled by soil moisture and had no obvious relationship with soil temperature. However, for N _ 2O, the emission of N _ 2O from soil under low water content has a significant relationship with soil temperature, but the relationship between N _ 2O emission and soil moisture and temperature is more complicated after increasing precipitation. 3) the pot experiment shows that the relationship between N _ 2O emission and soil temperature is more complex. Different soil treatment measures have different effects on greenhouse gas emissions. Straw mulching could promote the emission of CO2 and N2O from soil. However, at low precipitation, straw mulch has a tendency to weaken soil CH4 emissions. With the increase of precipitation, this trend will be compensated by the increase of water content, which shows that it can promote the discharge of CH4, that is, when the precipitation is high, The main influencing factor of CH4 emission was moisture, but the discharge was still lower than that without straw mulching. At the same time, nitrogen application can reduce soil CO2 emissions, reduce the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration, greatly increase the trend of N 2O emissions, but have no significant effect on CH4 emissions. Compared with the three kinds of greenhouse gas emissions under different precipitation, precipitation increased the emission of N2O greatly under the condition of nitrogen application, but had no great effect on the emission trend of CO2 and CH4. The peak time of soil greenhouse gas was delayed to some extent by high precipitation treatment: the soil respiration of 0-16mm reached the maximum at 4 h, while that of 32mm high precipitation delayed 4 h; The peak of CH4 and CO2 were similar, 0-8mm was 4 h after precipitation, 1632 mm was 8 h after precipitation, and for N 2O, the maximum time of N2O emission from 0-8mm precipitation soil appeared at 8 hours, while that of 16mm was 12-24 h and 32mm was 48 hours. At the same time, repeated dry-wet alternation can reduce the emission of CO2 and N 2 O, and promote the release of CH4.


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