[Abstract]:Accumulated temperature is one of the most frequently used indexes in agrometeorological research and operation. However, due to the influence of other environmental conditions, the accumulated temperature during the growing period of crops shows instability between years and regions. Therefore, how to modify the existing accumulated temperature model to make the calculated value of accumulated temperature in the growing period of crops tend to be stable and reflect the actual situation is of great significance to agricultural production and meteorological services. Taking Northeast Spring Maize Sedan 19 as an example, the nonlinear accumulated temperature model (NLM) proposed by Shen Guoquan was used to fit the model, and the influence of parameter selection on the stability of accumulated temperature was analyzed. In this paper, the quadratic function of mean temperature is used to modify the linear accumulated temperature model (LM) (modified model called TRM) and its effect is analyzed and compared with that of NLM. The results show that the smaller the parameter P in NLM fitting, the more stable the simulated effective accumulated temperature is, and the difference of NLM accumulated temperature between years and regions, the main factor causing the instability of accumulated temperature is the temperature intensity, and the correlation with other factors is poor. The relationship between the effective accumulated temperature and the average temperature of growth period is conic. Comparing the results of quadratic correction of temperature of LM with that of NLM, it is found that the method of quadratic correction is feasible.
【作者单位】: 中国气象科学研究院;南京信息工程大学气象灾害预报预警与评估协同创新中心;
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