[Abstract]:Phosphorus is a necessary nutrient element in crops. Most of the phosphorus in soil is difficult to be absorbed by plants. Therefore, the strain L1 and L2 with insoluble phosphorus were isolated from soil by using calcium phosphate liquid culture medium. Pot and field experiments were carried out to study the effect of each strain on soil phosphorus availability, phosphorus content and biomass, and the time and position of strain L1 colonization in maize root surface were studied by green fluorescent protein gene marker method. The main results are as follows: (1) 8 strains of phosphorus releasing bacteria were selected and cultured on 1% calcium phosphate liquid medium for 72 h for 30 oC. The water-soluble phosphorus content in the culture medium was 73.72 ~ 392.56 mg / L ~ (-1), in which strain L _ (1) and L _ (2) were obtained. The water-soluble phosphorus content of L7 was 392.56 mg L-1296.77 mg L-1353.59 mg L-1, respectively. The colony morphology, physiological and biochemical characteristics and 16s rDNA sequencing characteristics of the two strains were further analyzed. The results of corn pot culture of Bacillus megaculis (Bacillus megaterium), strain L2, (Bacillus aryabhattai), strain L7 and Bacillus megaterium (Bacillus megaterium). (2 in June 2015 were preliminarily identified, and 25 days after inoculation. The available phosphorus content of soil treated with strain L1 and L2 was 30% higher than that of CK soil, respectively, and the pot culture data of September 21.2015 showed that, on the 15th and 25th days, the soil phosphorus availability was significantly increased by the strains, especially on the 25th day. Compared with CK and L2, the soil available phosphorus content of L1 treatment increased by 46% and 32% respectively. (3) the accumulation of phosphorus in maize plants was significantly increased by two kinds of fungicides. In the first maize pot experiment, phosphorus accumulation in L1 treatment group was significantly higher than that in CK treatment group (22.41%). In the second pot experiment, the accumulation of phosphorus in L1 and L2 groups was increased by 34.04 and 27.71, respectively. Under pot condition, L1 treatment group was more effective than L2 treatment group in promoting plant phosphorus absorption. (4) strain L1 significantly increased stem and leaf dry weight, root dry weight and corn fruit yield compared with L2 treatment. L1 and L2 treatments were significantly higher than CK,. The stem and leaf dry weight of potted corn increased 18.78% and the root dry weight increased 14.84% and 4.69% respectively. In maize field experiment, the dry weight of stem and leaf increased by 75.2880.75, the dry weight of root increased by 100.70and 99.82, and the yield increased by 9.56and 8.09. The results showed that the phosphorus solubilization effect of strain L1 was higher than that of L2N 1 treatment, and the phosphorus uptake and biomass of plant were higher than that of L2 treatment. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) labeling method and molecular cloning method, a stable GFP labeled strain L1 with high fluorescence intensity was constructed. The stability of GFP plasmid was still up to 87 indicating that the constructed strain could be used to study the colonization mechanism of strain L1 in maize root system. After 2 days of germination and 24 hours after inoculation of GFP labeled strain L1, GFP strain L1 was observed on the surface and inside of maize root surface. It was confirmed that L1 strain had been successfully colonized in the inner cells of maize root hair. In conclusion, these results indicate that strain L1 has great potential in improving soil phosphorus availability and maize phosphorus nutrient, and is expected to play a promoting role in the sustainable development of agriculture. At the same time, it was confirmed that L1 was successfully colonized on the surface and inner cells of maize root hair under laboratory conditions, which laid a foundation for the further study of colonization mechanism of L1 in situ soil and plant rhizosphere.
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