[Abstract]:Against the background of increasing global warming and frequent extreme drought events, drought has attracted more and more attention from hydrologists, meteorologists and agricultural scientists. The Jaru River Basin is located in the central and eastern part of Henan Province. It is one of the grain and cotton production bases in Henan Province and is also a severe and moderate drought-prone area. Drought disaster has become one of the main threats to local food security. Based on the analysis of the agricultural conditions and the causes of agricultural drought, the relative humidity of soil is selected as the evaluation index of agricultural drought in this paper, which is based on the study area of the Jialu River control basin, a tributary of the Huaihe River. The temporal and spatial evolution characteristics and periodic evolution of agricultural drought in the Jaru River Basin from 1992 to 2008 were evaluated. At the same time, based on DEM data, land use data, soil type data and hydrometeorological data, a SWAT model was constructed to simulate the agricultural drought process in the Jaru River Basin from 2009 to 2014. By comparing the results of agricultural drought simulation with historical drought events, the simulation effect of SWAT model on agricultural drought in the Jaru River Basin was verified. The main research results are as follows: (1) the frequency of agricultural drought in the Jaru River basin is high, the seasonal characteristics are obvious, the frequency of spring drought and summer drought is high, and autumn drought is one of the main drought types. The frequency of occurrence of drought is lower than that of spring drought and summer drought. There was a significant correlation between precipitation and soil relative humidity in 10-20cm soil layer at the confidence level of 0. 05. The soil relative humidity could not only reflect the effect of precipitation on the formation of drought, but also show the drought situation of crops intuitively. (2) the interannual variation of soil relative humidity in early spring, late spring, early spring and early summer and autumn showed a regular cycle of about 9 years. The period signal of the middle and upper reaches of the river basin is stable, the scale of periodic variation is various, and the scale of downstream cycle variation is single. The frequency of early spring drought and early spring drought in late spring and early summer is higher than that in late spring and autumn. The frequency of drought in upper and lower spring is higher than that in early spring. The frequency of early spring drought in middle reaches is higher than that in lower reaches. The drought in upper and upper reaches is more serious than that in lower reaches. In 1992, 1995 and 2000, a long duration of drought occurred in the upper and middle reaches of the basin, with severe drought in spring and summer and drought in the middle reaches into autumn. (3) the frequency of drought in the upper reaches of the Jaru River Basin was the highest in late spring and early summer, followed by the first spring drought. The frequency of autumn drought is lower than that of early spring drought, and the frequency of summer drought is the lowest. In the middle reaches, the frequency of early spring drought is the highest, followed by late spring and early summer drought, the frequency of drought occurrence is lower than that of late spring and early summer, and the frequency of autumn drought is the lowest. The frequency of drought in the lower reaches is the highest in late spring and early summer, followed by the first spring drought, and the frequency of drought in autumn is the same as that in autumn. (4) Regional agricultural drought simulation based on SWAT model has a good effect on simulating agricultural drought events in 2009-2014, and the results of agricultural drought assessment are basically consistent with historical agricultural drought events. At the same time, the spatial distribution of soil relative humidity in typical representative years is basically consistent with the measured soil relative humidity, which can reflect the spatial distribution characteristics of agricultural drought more carefully, and can be further applied to the prediction of agricultural drought in the study area.
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