[Abstract]:Wheat is an important food crop in China. Scientific field management is a necessary condition to ensure high quality and high yield of wheat. Nitrogen plays a key role in the growth of crops. Proper input will promote photosynthesis, affect economic growth and development, and ensure crop yield and quality. To ensure yield, farmers often apply too much nitrogen fertilizer. The input of a large amount of nitrogen fertilizer not only greatly reduces the utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer, causes great harm to the environment, but also significantly reduces the farmers' income. It has become a hot point in modern agricultural research to accurately detect the nitrogen nutrition status of crops, supply crop growth with suitable nutrient in the critical period of crop growth, and improve nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency. In recent years, with the rapid development of remote sensing technology, with the advantages of high access frequency, suitable for large area and no damage to crops, it has become a new technical means and method to realize fast, effective and non-destructive monitoring of nitrogen nutrition of winter wheat. As an important part of fine agriculture, it has become one of the most important links in the research of modern agriculture. Normalized vegetation index (NDVI) is an important parameter reflecting crop canopy structure, which is closely related to crop yield, distribution of population light and utilization of light energy. Based on the canopy spectral data and yield data of winter wheat for many years, and combined with meteorological data, a winter wheat potential yield model suitable for northern China was constructed in this paper. The corresponding NDVI values were extracted from remote sensing images to verify the model. In the field scale fertilization recommendation, based on the Geo Eye-1 high score remote sensing data of the demonstration field covering the national precision agriculture research demonstration base in 2013, using the model to carry on the fertilization recommendation, get the fertilizer recommendation prescription map. The recommended amount of fertilizer is within a reasonable range. In the area of regional scale fertilization recommendation, the S-G filtering method is firstly used to reconstruct the MODIS NDVI time series data from 2010 to 2014 in Shaanxi Province. The difference of characteristic curve between winter wheat and other crops was determined and the planting area of winter wheat in Shaanxi Province was extracted. Secondly, using MOD15A2 multi-scene data of MODIS LAI data product, S-G envelope filtering method is used to reconstruct LAI time series, and the filtered data is fitted by Logistic curve, and the maximum curvature of curve is taken as the beginning time of winter wheat returning to green. The monitoring results of winter wheat were obtained. Based on the monitored start time of the green stage, the accumulated temperature was converted into the cumulative LST value, and the jointing stage was monitored by the MODIS LST data product MOD11A2. Finally, according to the phenological period of winter wheat calculated by remote sensing, the study area was divided, and the fertilization recommendation model was applied to each area, and the recommended fertilizer prescription map was obtained. The results showed that the model was suitable for the recommendation of fertilization in the north of China. The recommended amount of fertilizer was within a reasonable range on different scales of fields and regions, and could effectively improve the utilization efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer and save the cost of agriculture. The feasibility and application value of using remote sensing technology to recommend fertilization are further explained.
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