[Abstract]:In this paper, the characteristics of water and sediment and its response to runoff velocity in the development stage of the rill under different slope conditions were studied by indoor simulated rainfall test. The results show that for Yang Ling X soil, the rill erosion process can be divided into three stages, I. e., plane erosion stage (A stage), rill network development stage (B stage) and rill network steady stage (C stage). The effect of erosion stage on runoff rate is not significant, but on sediment content is significant. In stage A and B, sediment content increases with time, and in stage C, sediment content tends to dynamic equilibrium state, especially in large slope. In different erosion stages, the influence degree of slope is different, and the effect of slope on rill erosion is the most significant in C stage. In the process of rill erosion, the variation of runoff velocity is complex, and there is no obvious regularity in different slope and different erosion stages. When the slope is small, the relative dispersion of high velocity and low frequency is concentrated in stage A and stage B. When the slope is high, it is concentrated in stage B and stage C, which indicates that stage B is the active stage of rill erosion, and the fluctuation of runoff velocity is large in this stage, and the probability of occurrence of large runoff velocity increases obviously.
【作者单位】: 首都师范大学地球空间信息科学与技术国际化示范学院城市环境过程和数字模拟国家重点实验室培育基地北京资源环境与GIS重点实验室;中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所陆地水循环与地表过程重点实验室;
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