[Abstract]:The study of global environmental change and carbon cycle has attracted much attention, and karstification has the effect of carbon sink. In order to understand the role of soil microorganisms in karst carbon cycle and carbon sink, it is necessary to study the characteristics of soil microbial diversity in karst watershed. Taking the Yangtze River Basin, the Upper reaches of the Wujiang River Basin and the small Watershed of the Aechi River of Wujiang River as examples, the temporal and spatial characteristics of bacterial diversity in surface soil of typical karst watershed under different ecological environments were studied by PCR-DGGE technique. The relationship between soil bacterial diversity, soil physical and chemical properties and soil CA activity in different ecological environments in typical karst watershed was analyzed, and the significance of soil bacterial diversity to karst carbon cycle in typical karst watershed was discussed. It lays a foundation for further study on the influence of ecological environment on microbial diversity and karst carbon sink in karst watershed. The main results obtained in this paper are as follows: (1) the diversity index and richness of bacterial communities in the surface soil of the Yangtze River Basin are affected by the vegetation types of the sample plots, and show obvious seasonal variation characteristics. In other words, the diversity index and richness showed winter, autumn, summer and spring (P0.05). Correlation analysis showed that the diversity index and richness of bacterial community were positively correlated with soil available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium (P0.01). There was also a positive correlation with the activities of SOC and soil CA. (2) the diversity index and richness of surface soil bacterial community were different under different land use patterns in the upper reaches of Wujiang River Basin. The average diversity index and richness were the agricultural land of Arbor woodland and shrub. The effect of land use patterns on the similarity index and richness of bacterial community in surface soil was not obvious in the small watershed of Yazhi River in Wujiang River. Correlation analysis showed that the diversity index and richness of soil bacterial communities in the upper reaches of Wujiang River Basin were positively correlated with SOC (P0.01), but also positively correlated with soil moisture content, soil available nitrogen, available phosphorus and soil CA activity. The diversity index and richness of soil bacterial community were positively correlated with soil CA activity. To sum up, the diversity index and richness of bacterial community in surface soil of typical karst watershed were affected by the ecological environment of sample plots, and there was a positive correlation with soil CA activity and SOC to some extent. It is suggested that soil bacteria may play an active role in karst carbon cycle and soil carbon sequestration in karst watershed, and the intensity of carbon sequestration in karst ecosystem soil is worthy of further study.
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