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发布时间:2018-12-12 01:42
[Abstract]:Xining City, Qinghai Province, is a transitional region between the Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It also has many common natural conditions of the Loess Plateau and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The climate is alpine and arid, the topography is complex, the ecological environment is fragile, and the economic development is backward. The soil erosion is serious and belongs to the fourth region in the hilly and gully region of the Loess Plateau. This paper summarizes the experiences and lessons of participatory small watershed management and provides reference for future participatory small watershed management. By investigating the results and satisfaction of farmers and communities participating in soil and water conservation projects, comparing the two specific indicators and adopting the method of single factor ANOVA, it is concluded that the satisfaction of farmers and communities to the implementation of the project is relatively high. The degree of satisfaction of livelihood projects has a higher impact on overall satisfaction. The influence of participatory small watershed management on county-level administrative region is obvious. The farmers in Huji ditch and Bohang ditch have obvious thirst for livelihood projects and have a certain understanding of soil and water conservation measures, but they are relatively weak, and the overall economic level of fire gutter is higher. However, the satisfaction degree of participatory small watershed management measures is not high, which also indicates that farmers pay more attention to participatory small watershed projects to a certain extent. Taking the participatory small watershed management project area in the county administrative region as the evaluation unit, 18 indexes reflecting the social economy and the farmers' will of the three counties in the project area were selected, and the principal component analysis method was used. The comprehensive evaluation of benefits before and after governance has drawn the following conclusions: the evaluation of farmers' satisfaction with soil and water conservation measures plays an important role in the improvement of overall benefits. Residents' satisfaction with participatory watershed management also has a greater impact on overall benefits. The rank of overall evaluation before and after governance has not changed, but the gap has been widened, which is different from the specific measures of governance, the size of the scope of implementation of governance measures, the strength and intensity of implementation has a very important relationship. Through the evaluation of the overall benefit, combined with the satisfaction degree of various index measures, we draw the following conclusions: farmers' satisfaction with participatory small watershed management has a certain relationship with economic benefits. The livelihood measures in participatory small watershed management are closely related to economic development, and the participatory small watershed governance system still needs to be improved. The team that should be set up for participatory small watershed management should be equipped with more and more professional technical personnel, and the departments concerned should communicate frequently to ensure the smooth and orderly progress of the work. The government should also increase the propaganda of participatory small watershed, increase the input in the management measures, and improve the fund management of the project. Farmers should be given more training in agriculture, or knowledge and skills training, so that farmers improve their earning ability, rather than relying solely on subsidies provided by the government; The government should also continue to introduce more talented people with ideas, responsibilities and skills to help poor areas get rich; the government also needs to set up a system of management, acceptance and even management from the initial investigation, planning, and later stage.


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