[Abstract]:In the small watershed of Guanshan Forest Farm, the Guanshan Forest Farm, Gansu Province, the artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest with the forest age of over 25 years was used as the research object. The method of forest sub-structure investigation, indoor soaking method, soil profile survey and soil water-physical property determination were used. The ecological and hydrological characteristics of the litter layer and the soil layer under different forest sub-densities were studied according to the different forest sub-densities to 6 densities (750 plants/ hm2, 1227 plants/ hm2, 1600 plants/ hm2, 2196 plants/ hm2, 3780 plants/ hm2 and 4563 plants/ hm2). The physical characteristics of the soil, the water holding capacity and the permeability characteristics, in-depth understanding of the relationship between the vegetation of the plantation and the ecological and hydrological functions of the soil and the litter, provide the theoretical reference for the rational management of the artificial forest in the region, and provide the theoretical reference for the scientific construction of the forest vegetation. The main research conclusions are as follows: (1) The variation range of total accumulation of 6 kinds of density artificial Robinia pseudoacacia forest was in the range of 8.09-13.40t/ hm ~ 2, with the increase of the forest sub-density, the lower litter of the forest was first increased and then decreased, and the accumulated volume of the undecomposed layer in the forest accounted for a gradual increase in the percentage of total accumulated volume. The range of variation is 40.00% ~ 62.83%, while the proportion of semi-decomposed layer is gradually reduced, and the range of variation is 37. 17% ~ 59. 00%. The water-holding process of the undecomposed layer and the semi-decomposition layer of different forest sub-density litter is similar to that of the semi-decomposition layer, and the relationship between the water-holding rate and the power function of the soaking time is significant. The variation range of total effective retention of all dry and dry land is: 8.03 ~ 3.4t/ hm ~ 2, and the overall performance is that with the increase of the forest sub-density, the effective impoundment shows the tendency to decrease, and the undecomposed layer is more effective than the semi-decomposition layer. (2) With the change of the density of the forest, the average bulk density of the different forest sub-densities was 750/ hm21227/ hm21600/ hm24563/ hm23780/ hm ~ 2; the mean and non-gross porosity of the soil were 3.96-12.00%, 44. 60-53. 07%, respectively. The bulk density, total porosity and porosity of non-gross tube of different forest in 0-40cm were significant (P0.05), and the total soil bulk density, total porosity and non-gross tube porosity were not significant (P0.05). The maximum water holding capacity in all areas was between 20-40cm and 40-60cm (P0.05). It showed that it was 3780/ hm24563/ hm22196/ hm21227/ hm2750/ hm21600/ hm ~ 2 and 4563/ hm22196/ hm21227/ hm23780/ hm2750/ hm21600/ hm2. (3) The average penetration rate of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation with different density was 4563/ hm ~ 2 of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation, and the density was 750/ hm ~ 2 of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation. The soil initial infiltration rate of each artificial Robinia pseudoacacia stands from high to low in order of 4563/ hm23780/ hm22196/ hm21227/ hm2750/ hm21600/ hm2, with the highest soil stabilization rate of 4563/ hm2 of Robinia pseudoacacia (3.40 mm/ min) and the lowest density of 750/ hm2 of Robinia pseudoacacia (0.82 mm/ min). (4) The soil moisture of each artificial Robinia pseudoacacia is more stable in the early stage of growth season (that is, the leaf period), and with the increase of the forest sub-density, the trend of decreasing is first increased; after the growth season, the water content of the soil gradually shows a loss, In addition, at the later stage of the growth season, the density was 1600 plants/ hm2, and the other several showed a certain degree of loss, and the density was 4563 plants/ hm2, and even moderate soil drying was observed. (5) The maximum water holding capacity and the effective water holding capacity of the dry and soil layer and the soil layer are comprehensively analyzed, and the soil layer accounts for more than 96% of the total amount of the forest land, so the soil layer is the main place for regulating the precipitation and the retention of water in the forest land. The results of the comprehensive evaluation on the ecological and hydrological function of the litter layer and the soil layer in different forest sub-density of Robinia pseudoacacia were 4563/ hm23780/ hm22196/ hm21600/ hm21227/ hm2750/ hm2, and the results were consistent with the results of the evaluation of the soil layer. It is indicated that the soil layer is the main place to play in the function of the hydrological regulation of the forest land.
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