[Abstract]:Straw returning to the field is an important measure to improve soil fertility in agricultural production, and the high C / N ratio in straw makes the utilization ratio of straw carbon low and the greenhouse gas emission higher. Therefore, inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer can control the measurement ratio of elements in soil. Increase microbial activity and utilization of elements to promote soil fertility. In this study, under the condition of simulated straw returning to the field, adding ~ (15) N labeled inorganic nitrogen fertilizer was used to study the effects of different nutrient fertilizers on the transformation and distribution of exogenous nitrogen in soil, as well as the characteristics of microbial response. The results showed that the content of ammonium nitrogen and total nitrogen in soil and soil solution was increased by adding straw. Under the combined application of straw and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer, the content of ~ (15) N-TN in soil was maintained at 2833 渭 g / g N-NH _ (4) during the first 30 days of culture, and then decreased gradually during the first 30 days. P increased the contents of ~ (15) N-TN and ~ (15) N-NH _ 4 in soil, but decreased ~ (15) N in soil solution by 28%. The distribution of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer in the soil indicated that the proportion of ~ (15) N in the soil was kept at 52and 61.The addition of phosphorus fertilizer increased the distribution ratio of ~ (15) N in the soil by 16.5%. However, the proportion of ~ (15) N in soil solution decreased from 36% on the fifth day to 30 at 100 days, which reduced the loss of exogenous ~ (15) N by 1.2 times. The addition of straw promoted the microbial activity and significantly increased the amount of soil MBN. The addition of inorganic fertilizer further promoted the activity of soil microorganism. After 100d culture experiment, the addition of straw, inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer increased MBN by 2.0 and 2.2 times as compared with the control treatment at the same time. The addition of phosphorus fertilizer promoted the utilization of ~ (15) N by microorganism, and the amount of ~ (15) N-MBN increased by 1.5 times than that of straw and nitrogen fertilizer treatment. The results of the study on the activity of soil nitrogen invertase (尾 -1N-acetyl glucosaminidase, NAG) showed that nitrogen fertilizer decreased soil enzyme activity and substrate affinity, but when nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer were added at the same time, The enzyme activity increased 48.1% compared with the single straw treatment. This study can provide a theoretical basis for further understanding the nitrogen cycle in paddy soil ecosystem, improving soil fertility and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
【作者单位】: 中南林业科技大学环境科学与工程学院;中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所亚热带农业生态过程重点实验室;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(31470629,41501321) 湖南省自然科学基金项目(2016JJ3132) 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项(S2016G0053)
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