[Abstract]:Guangxi is the main sugarcane producing area in China. At present, the planting area is about 13 million mu, of which the ratoon cane accounts for more than 60%. How to extend the number of years and increase the yield of sugarcane is one of the main problems faced by sugarcane industry. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AM) can improve soil ecology, nutrient uptake and crop continuous cropping years. The results showed that the inoculation of AM fungi in field sugarcane could increase the amount of soil pH, and increase the yield of sugarcane. AM fungi play an important role in farmland ecosystem. But the community structure of AM fungi in farmland system is affected by farming and fertilization. In this study, the effects of soil and fertilizer levels on the structure of AM fungi community and their correlation with the growth of ratoon cane were analyzed by high throughput sequencing. In order to use AM fungi to improve soil ecology and to increase the number of years of sugarcane root planting. The main results are as follows: 1. The infection rate of AM fungi in sugarcane roots was affected by soil culture and fertilization. Fertilization decreased the infection rate of AM fungi, no matter whether the soil was cultivated or not. At the same fertilization level, the infection rate of uncultivated soil treatment was higher than that of soil culture treatment. The diversity and richness of AM fungi decreased with the increase of soil depth. However, soil culture could increase the richness of AM fungi in 0-20 cm soil layer and 40-60 cm soil layer. The results of 3.Venn analysis showed that there was no significant difference in the diversity of AM fungi between different fertilization rates. On the other hand, the diversity of 0 kg/ha fertilization and 750 kg/ha fertilization was higher in soil culture. 4. (Glomus) is the dominant genus in sugarcane rhizosphere soil, followed by (Paraglomus) and (Diversispora). In addition, there are also a small number of procystis, (Archaeospora), (Gigaspora), (Acaulospora), (Scutellospora) and Ambispora.5.. The community structure of AM fungi in the soil layer of 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm without soil treatment was similar. However, the depth of each soil layer treated with soil culture is obviously different. The community structure of fungi was stable in the treatment of no soil and 187.5 kg/haAM fertilized with 750 kg/ha and 187.5 kg/haAM respectively, and the change of community was small at different time.
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