发布时间:2019-01-15 07:31
【摘要】:为揭示河南浓香型烤烟风格特点与气候条件的关系,基于河南烟区64个气象站1981—2010年30 a气候值资料,采用统计分析方法,分析了河南烟区Ⅰ区(许昌、周口、漯河、平顶山、南阳、信阳和驻马店)和Ⅱ区(三门峡和洛阳)浓香型烟叶典型生态区的气候特征及全生育期气象因子的演变规律和匹配变化特征。结果表明:河南烟区Ⅰ区和Ⅱ区,伸根期平均气温增加迅速,降雨量和日照时数变化较为平稳,该时期是冰雹和大风灾害易发阶段;旺长期平均气温增加迅速,降雨量增加,日照时数减少,该时期易遭受高温热害;成熟期平均气温迅速下降,降雨量和日照时数显著减少,该时期易遭受连阴雨灾害。从总体上看,河南烟区光温水的变化规律与浓香型烤烟生长需求匹配协调,且表现出旺长期"雨热同期日照足"与伸根期和成熟期"温高雨少日照足"的气候优势,但也可能出现前期冰雹大风、中后期高温热害和连阴雨灾害的不利气候。
[Abstract]:In order to reveal the relationship between the style characteristics of Henan Luzhou-flavor flue-cured tobacco and the climatic conditions, based on the climatic data of 64 meteorological stations in Henan tobacco region from 1981 to 2010, the statistical analysis method was used to analyze the first area of Henan tobacco region (Xuchang, Zhoukou, Luohe). Climatic characteristics of typical ecological areas of Luzhou-flavor tobacco in Pingdingshan, Nanyang, Xinyang and Zhumadian, and region 鈪,
[Abstract]:In order to reveal the relationship between the style characteristics of Henan Luzhou-flavor flue-cured tobacco and the climatic conditions, based on the climatic data of 64 meteorological stations in Henan tobacco region from 1981 to 2010, the statistical analysis method was used to analyze the first area of Henan tobacco region (Xuchang, Zhoukou, Luohe). Climatic characteristics of typical ecological areas of Luzhou-flavor tobacco in Pingdingshan, Nanyang, Xinyang and Zhumadian, and region 鈪,