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发布时间:2019-04-20 11:03
[Abstract]:In this experiment, a new fertilizer called (SSRF), is developed, which can effectively repair the soil (SS) microenvironment in saline-alkali land. The fertilizer was prepared from saline-alkali soil microenvironment improver (SSRA) and traditional fertilizer (TF). The modification agent of saline-alkali soil microenvironment is a nano-composite prepared from attapulgite (ATP), organic polymer (SP), phosphogypsum (PG) and weathered coal (WC). This fertilizer can self-assemble in soil to form a 3-D micro / nano network structure of holding water and preserving fertilizer. And through the action of ion exchange, passivation and acid-alkali regulation to improve the salt-alkali soil of the micro-environment near the root system of crops, reduce salt pressure and alkali, promote the growth of crops, and improve the salt-alkali tolerance of crops. 1. In this study, the optimum composition ratio of microenvironment improver in saline-alkali soil was found to be attapulgite, organic polymer, phosphogypsum and weathered coal. The mass ratio was 60? 30? 1? The microstructure and basic chemical composition of special fertilizer for saline-alkali land were analyzed by SEM, IR and X-ray diffraction. It is found that the special fertilizer in saline-alkali land can self-assemble to form a 3D micro-nano-network structure, and function through ion exchange, passivation and acid-alkali regulation. The synthesis of microenvironmental improver and special fertilizer for saline-alkali land is a process of physical recombination. 3. The effect of salt reduction and alkali reduction was determined by two test systems: salt-separating (SI) and ion-exchange (IE). The salt reduction rate of salt isolation system and ion exchange system can reach 30.54% and 61.91%, respectively, and the soil pH value can be reduced from strong alkaline to neutral level by using microenvironment improver in saline-alkali soil. The salt reduction rate of salt isolation system can reach 30.54%, that of ion exchange system can reach 61.91%, and soil pH can be reduced from strong alkaline to neutral level. The leaching test and surface aggregation test showed that the microenvironment improver could effectively control the loss and aggregation of fertilizer, thus reducing the waste of fertilizer caused by Rain Water, runoff and evaporation. When the mass ratio of urea to microenvironment improver in saline-alkali soil is 9: 1, the control rate of urea (SSRU), in quartz sand is 49.90%, the rate of control surface aggregation is 44.3%, and in saline-alkali soil, the control rate is 43.78%, and that of urea in saline-alkali soil is 43.78%, and that of urea in saline-alkali soil is 43.78%. The rate of surface aggregation is 22.49%; The mass ratio of ammonium chloride to micro-environment improver in saline-alkali land was 9: 1.2. The control rate of ammonium chloride (SSRN), in quartz sand was 47.23%, and the rate of controlling surface aggregation was 61.71%, and that of ammonium chloride in saline-alkali land was 47.23% and 61.71%, respectively. In saline-alkali soil, the rate of control is 49.02%, and the rate of surface aggregation is 7.02%. The addition of 0.6g saline-alkali soil microenvironment improver in 20 g soil was the best addition, and maize growth was better. Compared with the traditional fertilizer, the microenvironment improver in saline-alkali soil can effectively repair the saline-alkali soil and promote the growth of maize plant height and root system at seedling stage. 6. In the field experiment, maize growing in saline-alkali soil with special fertilizer in saline-alkali field is generally greener in leaf color and more vigorous in growth than that in common fertilizer. The yield of maize in mature stage is higher and the corn is fuller than that of common fertilizer. The germination percentage, rod length, rod diameter, plant height, diameter and yield increased 19.3%, 12.4%, 14.2%, 12.9%, 23.6% and 27.0%, respectively, in the experiment of equal fertilizer content in Yinchuan City, the growth rate of maize was 19.3%, 12.4%, 14.2%, 12.9%, 23.6% and 27.0%. The germination percentage, rod length, rod diameter, plant height, diameter and yield of maize increased by 18.1%, 11.8%, 8.8%, 16.5%, 14.1% and 21.8%, respectively, when the weight loss was 10%, and the yield of maize was increased by 18.1%, 11.8%, 8.8%, 16.5%, 14.1% and 21.8% respectively. The germination percentage, rod length, rod diameter, plant height, diameter and yield of maize increased by 23.9%, 17.3%, 15.2%, 12.1%, 16.4% and 24.0%, respectively.


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