[Abstract]:The beach in the eastern coast of China is an important reserve cultivated land resource. However, the newly reclaimed beach is not agricultural cultivated land, so a large number of organic materials must be invested for ripening and improvement. The organic matter and nutrient content of municipal domestic sludge in accordance with agricultural standards in China is high and sticky, which can be used as a cheap and high quality organic fertilizer source for beach soil improvement. However, it has not been reported whether the application of domestic sludge will increase the accumulation of heavy metals in beach soil and whether it will affect the activity of heavy metals in soil, thus increasing the risk of heavy metal accumulation and heavy metal pollution by plants. This seriously hinders the implementation of resource utilization and domestic sludge to improve beach soil. In this study, the municipal domestic sludge which met the agricultural standard was used as the material, and the method of combining field experiment, laboratory simulation, chemical analysis and biological detection was used. The accumulation of main heavy metals in plants, the morphological transformation characteristics of main heavy metals in beach soil and the migration characteristics of heavy metals in soil profile were studied in the process of improving beach soil with different application rates of domestic sludge (0, 30, 75150 300 t / ha-1). The accumulation of main heavy metals in plants, the morphological transformation characteristics of main heavy metals in beach soil, and the migration characteristics of heavy metals in soil profile were discussed in detail. The results showed that: (1) the application of domestic sludge significantly promoted the growth of green manure plants (ryegrass, cyanine, corn seedlings) planted in beach soil, and increased the accumulation of heavy metals (Cd,Cu,Pb,Zn). The main reason for the accumulation was the increase of heavy metal content in the plant. (2) the application of domestic sludge significantly increased the content of total and available Cd,Cu,Pb,Zn in beach soil, but had no obvious effect on the content of heavy metal in the lower soil. It also affects its existing form in beach soil, mainly as follows: the increase of acid soluble state ratio and the decrease of residual state ratio. (3) the application of domestic sludge significantly increased the soil leakage Cd,Cu,Pb, under the condition of simulated soil column in laboratory. Zn concentration. The correlation analysis showed that the concentration of heavy metals in leakage was positively correlated with DOC and negatively correlated with pH. (4) under the experimental conditions, domestic sludge could be safely used as an organic fertilizer source for beach soil improvement. The contents of heavy metals in each treated soil were lower than those in the second class standard of soil quality in China, and the contents of heavy metals in ryegrass, field cyanine and corn plants treated with sludge did not exceed the national standard of feed quality in China. The heavy metal content of simulated soil column leachate does not exceed the class IV standard of groundwater quality. (5) considering the effect of soil modification and the risk of heavy metal pollution, the suitable amount of sludge is 150t ha-1..
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