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发布时间:2019-06-04 15:00
【摘要】:为探讨解磷微生物菌肥对香蕉土壤根际微生态的影响,利用T-RFLP(terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism)技术分析土壤均匀度指数、香农指数和优势种群等分析微生物多样性,研究高效解磷菌剂与化学磷肥的不同组合施用方式对香蕉植株的生长情况和根际土壤微生物物量和群落结构的影响。结果显示,与对照CK相比,T处理组香蕉苗较CK组生长健壮,地上部分鲜重平均值为42.2 cm,明显比CK高出35.2%。接M-3-01解磷细菌处理组T1、T3生长势最为显著(P0.05),其中,T3株高和茎围分别是CK的1.26、1.16倍。T-RFLP技术分析微生物多样性表明,T1、T3多样性指数和均匀度指数指标分别为2.12/2.11和0.93/0.88,与CCK差异性不明显,但略微高于CK。同时,分析土壤优势种群,处理组T1、T3处理组土壤优势微生物种群数分别为12和14,数目基本与处理前土壤CCK的一致,而T2略低于CK。拟柱孢藻(Cylindrospermopsis)和北里孢菌(Kitasatospora)只存在于CK和施用解磷菌剂T1、T3处理土壤中。土壤种植香蕉苗后,不同施用方式对土壤微生物群落丰富度和多样性的稳定具有积极影响。因此,施用高效解磷菌剂对维持土壤微生物群落丰富度和均匀度效果较好。
[Abstract]:In order to study the effect of phosphorus-hydrolyzing microbial fertilizer on rhizosphere microecology of banana soil, soil evenness index, Shannon index and dominant population were analyzed by T-RFLP (terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism) technique. The effects of different combination of high efficiency phosphorus remover and chemical phosphate fertilizer on the growth of banana plants and the microbial biomass and community structure of rhizosphere soil were studied. The results showed that compared with the control CK, the growth of banana seedlings in T treatment group was stronger than that in CK group, and the average fresh weight of aerial parts in T treatment group was 42.2 cm, higher than that in CK group (35.2%). The growth potential of T3 was the most significant (P 0.05) in the treatment group T _ 1 treated with M 鈮,




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