[Abstract]:There are many kinds of organic compost in China, but the index of organic carbon is single in the quality standard of organic compost. On the basis of system analysis of the composition of organic carbon in organic composts of different sources and the use of compost for pot experiment, the organic carbon (TOC) of different types (TOC) and the organic carbon (LOC) are discussed. Bioavailability and biodegradability of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) and low-molecular-weight organic carbon (LMWOM) provide a basis for the evaluation of the fertilizer efficiency and ecological safety of the compost. In order to understand the law of the utilization of organic matter in the compost, a quantitative analysis of the consumption of the composted organic matter before and after the cultivation of four kinds of crops (green, tomato, sweet potato, and corn) was carried out in the pot experiment of four kinds of compost (C1-C4). The TOC was determined by the method of potassium dichromate oxidation and capacity determination. There was a significant difference in the growth of the crops on different cultivated substrates, and there was a significant difference in the effects of the compost on the growth of different crops, indicating the mutual selectivity between the compost and the crop, and the appropriate compost should be applied as much as possible. In the experimental group, the consumption of organic matter in the compost matrix was over 90% and the maximum of 99.9%. The method of the invention can obviously promote the consumption of organic matters, and before planting the crops, the sufficient organic fertilizer base fertilizer should be applied to the crop type as much as possible to reduce the consumption of organic matter in the soil. In the experiment, the organic matter in the matrix is reduced to 4.2%-12.6%, and the organic matter content in the soil near the farming layer is close to that of the soil in the farming layer. For the farmland with large cultivated density, it is necessary to adhere to the long-term application of the organic fertilizer, so as to ensure the good soil performance of the farmland. In order to effectively evaluate the content of organic carbon in compost and its effect on crops, the effects of different types of organic carbon on the growth of crops were discussed by means of correlation analysis. The results show that the organic carbon (LOC) is more closely related to the growth of the crops than the total organic carbon, and the fertilizer efficiency of the compost is more sensitive. Taking sweet potato as an example, the correlation coefficient between the TOC, LOC, WSOC and crop biomass was 0.100, 0.699,-0.004, LOC was positively correlated with the crop biomass, and the WSOC was negatively correlated. Therefore, the organic carbon index of the composted product should be controlled by avoiding over-oxidation of LOC in the composting process to ensure its content, and ensuring adequate decomposition to reduce the WSOC. It is necessary to increase the content index of LOC and WSOC in the existing national compost quality standard with only the organic matter index, which can not objectively reflect the quality of the organic compost. In order to study the "carbon fertilizer" effect of direct absorption and utilization of low molecular weight organic carbon in compost, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the LMWOM in the composted and cultivated substrate was carried out by using the headspace extraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HS-GC-MS) method. The results show that the relative content of low molecular weight aldehydes is relatively high in the compost. In addition to the C1 matrix, there is an increase in the number of aldehydes in the cultivation matrix of the green and corn, indicating that the production of low-molecular-weight aldehydes is promoted in the growing process of the crop, compared with the blank group of the non-cultivated crop. The growth of crops is closely related to the aldehydes. In order to evaluate the ecological security of organic carbon in compost, the effect of organic matter on crop and culture matrix was discussed by pot experiment. The results show that the coal-stone is obviously inhibited by the soil microorganisms. In view of the negative impact on the soil microorganisms, it should be avoided from the production of organic fertilizer to avoid the addition of coal and stone in the compost. In order to further explore the bioavailable properties of the coal and stone, the biodegradation test was conducted in accordance with the International Standard OECD 301B using a different source of microorganism as the inoculum. The results showed that the degradation rate of coal-fired stone in activated sludge was 21.9%, and the degradation rate in vegetable garden soil was 14.4%. The addition of coal-stone as an external carbon source to the organic compost, although the total organic carbon content in the compost can be improved, the carbon element is difficult to be bioutilized, has environmental durability, and has a potential risk for long-term application to the ecological safety of the farmland.
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