发布时间:2019-07-22 17:48
【摘要】:以东北黑土区典型坡耕地(玉米)和坡林地(退耕还落叶松林和樟子松林)表层土壤为研究对象,分别在坡上、坡中上、坡中、坡中下、坡下5个坡位设置取样点采集非原状土,风干后将土壤筛分为2~5 mm、1~2 mm、0.5~1cm、0.25~0.5 mm、0.25 mm 5个粒级团聚体,分别计算每个粒级土壤风干团聚体所占比例,测定各粒级土壤风干团聚体有机碳含量,并以此为基础计算土壤团聚体有机碳贮量。通过对比不同坡位、各粒级风干团聚体组成及其有机碳含量与贮量变化规律,探明黑土区不同土地利用方式下坡地土壤团聚体有机碳库对不同侵蚀类型的响应特征。结果表明:坡耕地土壤团聚体迁移、沉积过程不同于坡林地,耕地土壤2 mm团聚体的组成比例显著高于2种林地,并在坡下达到最高值(70.30%);有机碳含量均随团聚体粒级减小逐渐增加,樟子松林地内各粒级有机碳含量(25.57~142.60 g/kg)显著高于耕地(22.58~30.06 g/kg)和退耕还落叶松林地(21.58~66.53 g/kg);坡林地土壤团聚体有机碳贮量由坡上至坡下逐渐增加,相同坡位处土壤团聚体有机碳贮量均为樟子松林地退耕还落叶松林地耕地。研究结果证实了黑土区耕作侵蚀的存在及其对土壤团聚体、团聚体有机碳库分布的影响,同时印证了退耕还林是减缓坡地黑土耕作侵蚀、提升有机碳库的长效途径。
[Abstract]:The topsoil of typical sloping farmland (corn) and sloping forest land (returning farmland to Larix gmelinii forest and Pinus camphora forest) in Northeast black soil area was taken as the research object. The sampling points were set up at five slope positions on the slope, the middle and lower slopes, and the sampling points were set up under the slope, respectively. After air drying, the soil was divided into 2 鈮,
[Abstract]:The topsoil of typical sloping farmland (corn) and sloping forest land (returning farmland to Larix gmelinii forest and Pinus camphora forest) in Northeast black soil area was taken as the research object. The sampling points were set up at five slope positions on the slope, the middle and lower slopes, and the sampling points were set up under the slope, respectively. After air drying, the soil was divided into 2 鈮,