本文选题:复合臂式自装卸装置 切入点:数学模型 出处:《燕山大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The pull arm garbage truck is a kind of garbage conveyer which uses the self-loading and unloading device to complete the loading and unloading of the garbage bin. The structural performance of the self-loading and unloading device is the key to the design of the vehicle.In order to improve the competitiveness of the products, a domestic construction machinery group and Yanshan University cooperate to design and develop a new type of composite arm self-loading and unloading device.This paper mainly focuses on the structure analysis and optimization of the new composite arm self-loading device.The mathematical models of the self-unloading and unloading processes of the self-loading and unloading device with composite arm are established, and the load changes of the hinge point force, the cylinder force and the force acting on the device during the two motion processes are obtained.The load boundary condition is provided for the subsequent structural analysis. Secondly, the parameterized finite element model of the composite arm self-loading device is established, and the slider connection is simplified to reduce the calculation amount.Through the finite element analysis of the two moving processes of the device, the stress change curve of the key position of the structure in the whole motion process is obtained, and the stress change of the device during the whole motion process is understood.Then the contact analysis is used to deal with the slider connection, and the stress of the device under the dangerous condition is analyzed accurately, and the stress of the device under the dangerous condition is tested.The experimental results verify the correctness of the finite element analysis results within the allowable error. Finally, in order to reduce the total weight of the device, the parameterized finite element model is used to satisfy the strength of the device.The plate thickness of the key parts of the device is optimized, and the whole weight loss of the device is 7.41.The research in this paper provides a reliable calculation basis for the design and development of a new type of composite arm self-loading and unloading device, and also provides a train of thought for the application of CAE simulation analysis technology in the research and development of mechanical products.
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