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发布时间:2018-06-02 08:44

  本文选题:驾驶室结构 + 模态分析 ; 参考:《南京理工大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:With the development of domestic automobile industry, the development of heavy-duty off-road vehicles has been paid more and more attention by related manufacturers. Customers have higher and higher requirements for the performance of heavy off-road vehicles, especially the performance of NVH. In the off-road, the vibration of heavy off-road vehicle body caused by road excitation is the main source of low-frequency noise in the vehicle, so it is very important to study the vibration characteristics of the body structure. Based on the analysis and control flow of vehicle vibration and noise at home and abroad, this paper takes the cab of off-road vehicle as the research object, analyzes its vibration characteristics and acoustic characteristics, aiming at the problem of large sound pressure level in sound field at sensitive frequency. Based on the theory of optimal design, combined with plate acoustic contribution and topology optimization method, the optimum calculation of body plate is carried out to control the structural vibration and structural noise. The modal parameters obtained from the experimental modal analysis of the white body and the modal parameters obtained from the theoretical modal analysis of the established finite element model of the white body are verified to verify the accuracy of the finite element model. Then the road load test is carried out on the whole vehicle, and the acceleration signal of the vehicle is obtained. The frequency response was calculated and the results were analyzed by using the acceleration signal which was processed by the signal as the excitation and loaded into the verified finite element model of the body. On the basis of the results of frequency response analysis, the plate acoustic contribution analysis is carried out, and the results of each plate contribution are compared and studied, and the target plates that need to be optimized are obtained. On this basis, the structure plate is set as a composite structure with free damping layer, and the topology optimization analysis is carried out. According to the optimization results, the plate composite structure is re-set, the frequency response calculation is submitted again, and the internal noise level of the body before and after optimization is compared.


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