[Abstract]:With the improvement of automobile performance, people pay more and more attention to ride comfort. As an important index to evaluate ride comfort, automobile NVH characteristics have attracted more and more attention from automobile manufacturers and researchers. The low frequency noise in the vehicle mainly comes from the vibration of the body structure, so it is very important to analyze the vibration characteristics of the body structure and to control the low frequency noise effectively. In this paper, in order to effectively control the low frequency noise in the car body, the frequency response of the acousto-solid coupling system of the car body is analyzed, and the vibration characteristics of the damping composite structure are studied. The location and area of damping layer are determined by modal strain energy method, and the low frequency noise is effectively reduced by multi-objective optimization. Firstly, the finite element model of a car body is established, and the structural modal analysis is carried out. On the basis of this, the finite element model of the closed body is established, and the validity of the model is determined by comparing with the experiment. In addition, the sound cavity finite element model is constructed and modal analysis is carried out. The closed body finite element model is coupled with the sound cavity finite element model, and finally the body acoustic structure coupling model is established. The frequency response of the car body is analyzed under different typical working conditions, and the simulation results of the sound pressure level response of the driver and the right ear of the rear row crew are compared with the experimental results, which verifies the validity of the proposed model. Secondly, the dynamic characteristic analysis method of damping composite structure is discussed, the finite element modeling method of free damping structure and constrained damping structure is discussed, and the influence of different damping structure parameters on structural vibration characteristics is studied. The energy dissipation effects of two damping structures are compared. By calculating the modal strain energy of the key parts of the body, the damping structure is laid in the area where the modal strain energy is high, and the noise control situation of the new scheme is compared with that of the original scheme. It is proved that the scheme based on modal strain energy is effective and feasible. Finally, in order to determine the optimum thickness of damped composite structure, an approximate model of damping thickness, RMS value and damping mass of driver's right ear sound pressure level response is established by using Latin hypercube design method. The prediction accuracy of the approximate response surface model, the Kriging model and the radial basis function neural network model are analyzed and compared. Based on the radial basis function neural network approximation model, the vehicle interior noise multi-objective optimization is carried out by genetic algorithm. According to the optimization results, the damping structure of the body structure is laid, and the sound pressure level response of the driver's right ear is compared before and after the optimization under different working conditions. The comparison results show that the low frequency noise in the vehicle has been reduced. The noise environment in the vehicle is improved effectively.
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