[Abstract]:In order to improve the effect of motion coupling between chassis control subsystem, an extended LQG controller is designed based on the dynamic model of vehicle suspension and steering vehicle system. Integrated control of electric power steering and active suspension system. In view of the fact that the serial design method of traditional mechanical structure and control parameters can easily cause the system to lose its global optimal performance, the integrated system mechanical and control parameters are taken as the optimization variables and the objective function is to reflect the comprehensive performance of vehicle dynamics. An integrated optimization program based on genetic algorithm is developed and parallel integrated optimization of integrated control system is carried out. The simulation results before and after optimization show that the mechanical structure parameters and controller parameters of the vehicle chassis integration system are further optimized, and the vehicle steering portability, steering stability, ride comfort and other comprehensive performance are also improved and improved. The test results also show that the root-mean-square value of steering wheel torque decreases by 43.10% after integrated optimization, which improves the steering portability and lateral acceleration of the vehicle. The root-mean-square value of yaw angular velocity decreased by 28.16% and 19.52% respectively, which improved the handling stability of the vehicle.
【作者单位】: 厦门理工学院机械与汽车工程学院;国家(厦门)环境保护机动车污染控制技术中心;
【基金】:国家自然基金资助项目(51641507) 福建省自然科学基金资助项目(2013J01208)
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