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发布时间:2019-03-22 07:52
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the depletion of natural resources and the deterioration of the environment, energy saving and emission reduction have become the factors that must be taken into account in the development of automobile industry. Under such circumstances, new energy vehicles, especially electric vehicles, have become the focus of attention all over the world. As the most important core component of electric vehicle, the test of powerbattery assembly, as an important link in its production process, is an important guarantee to ensure the state consistency of power battery assembly parts and the functional integrity of the electronic control system. Therefore, it is necessary to study and develop a set of power battery assembly detection system. Aiming at the new energy vehicle power battery production field of my practice unit, this paper designs a set of automatic detection system of power battery assembly in the process of production and off-line production. Firstly, the research principle and method of battery assembly testing system are analyzed, and the functional requirements of the testing system are given. According to the different functional requirements, the functional detection items are designed, and the testing requirements and evaluation criteria of each function are described in detail. Secondly, the structure of the detection system is set up, and the communication protocol of CAN bus is designed. The test command is sent through the CAN bus, the data information of the battery assembly system is read, and according to the requirements of each detection function, Complete the data acquisition of the corresponding signal, and get the test result of the test item. Finally, the upper computer software is designed and developed according to the test function item. The system software has a good human-computer interaction interface, the test process is displayed in real time, and the main control computer automatically analyzes and processes the data of the test result. The test results are sent to the terminal server for storage and display by means of the printer and the test results are sent to the terminal server for storage and display, which provides great convenience for the actual production and use. The system realizes the integrated testing of the parts and components of the power battery assembly and the functions of the electronic control system. The test data and results are true and accurate. The inspection of the battery assembly system ensures the quality of the battery assembly products.


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