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发布时间:2019-05-24 00:31
[Abstract]:As one of the main noise sources of automobile, the control of its noise level directly affects the performance of the whole vehicle NVH. Therefore, in the development of transmission, in addition to ensuring its good working performance, Controlling its vibration and noise has become one of the important indexes in the research and development process. In this paper, aiming at the problem of whistling noise in a passenger car, the causes of roaring noise and possible improvement measures are analyzed and studied by means of experimental test and theoretical analysis. The research work has important engineering practical value for improving the design of the passenger car and improving its ride comfort. After a passenger car carrying a seven-speed double clutch transmission went on the market, it was found that when the car was driving at a uniform speed of 50km/h, there was an obvious whistling noise problem in the car. In order to solve the problem of whistling noise under this working condition, the noise and vibration test scheme is studied and worked out, and the noise and vibration level of the whole vehicle are tested. Then, the vibration test results of the transmission are analyzed by using the spectrum analysis theory, and the roaring noise frequency is confirmed after filtering and playback of the driver's right ear noise, and the collected noise and vibration signals are followed by order tracking. The vibration source of roaring abnormal noise is confirmed. Finally, through the comprehensive analysis of all possible transmission paths, the relationship between the main transmission path of whistling noise in the vehicle and the bending vibration of the driving half-shaft is obtained. In order to improve the whistling noise under this working condition, the method and theory of improving roaring noise are studied, and the actual situation of the vehicle has been put on the market. The scheme of optimizing the roaring noise in the vehicle from the transmission path is worked out: the dynamic vibration absorber is used to absorb the vibration energy of the driving half-shaft, so as to improve the whistling noise in the vehicle. This method has the advantages of simple structure, convenient installation and low cost. Through the test and comparison of the whole vehicle and the subjective evaluation conclusion, the roaring noise in the vehicle is improved obviously after assembling the dynamic vibration absorber on the driving half shaft. Based on the mechanism of whistling noise, this paper studies and summarizes a set of engineering methods to analyze and detect the whistling noise of transmission and improve it, so as to reduce the roaring noise of a passenger car when the 50km/h is running at a uniform speed. The research work provides an engineering application value method for improving the roar noise and ride comfort of formed passenger cars.


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