本文关键词: 德育管理评价 PHP Smarty 响应式Web设计 出处:《天津大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, many schools have carried out the construction of information campus. In this situation, students' moral education management evaluation system has been developed more and more. Using the means of information to promote the transformation of traditional moral education, let teachers use the network platform to make moral education more strict, more efficient, more standardized. The moral education in vocational schools is analyzed from three aspects: economy, technology and operation. The functional and non-functional requirements are analyzed. Using the B / S architecture, the MVC design pattern based on Smarty is described in PHP Ajax. MD5 encryption and Bootstrap front-end framework of the responsive Web design technology, applied to the vocational school students moral education management evaluation system design, at the same time with the help of WeChat platform interface secondary development. The system has realized the moral education announcement, the addition and the subtraction record, the daily attendance, the moral education teaching resources, the user message, the comment automatic generation, the WeChat end inquiry. Through testing, the system is outstanding in scalability, reusability, security and portability, and the user experience is good.
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