本文关键词: 层次聚类 密度聚类 任意形状聚类 子簇合并 密度峰值点 边界区域密度 出处:《河南理工大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As an important research direction in the field of data mining, clustering technology can effectively help people to understand the distribution and characteristics of data for further research and analysis, although there are many existing clustering algorithms. However, there are still many problems and challenges in clustering technology. Combined with hierarchical clustering algorithm and density clustering algorithm, this paper proposes a new arbitrary shape clustering algorithm, which is based on hierarchical clustering technology. Using the idea of density clustering to define subclusters and sub-cluster merging, the main work of this paper is as follows: 1) the computational time complexity of hierarchical clustering algorithm is high. In addition, it is necessary to input the number of clusters or threshold parameters as the termination condition. In this paper, a novel density-based subcluster merging method is proposed. The adjacent subclusters whose boundary region density is greater than or equal to the average density of any of the clusters are merged. The merging criterion of the subclusters uses the method of dynamic model. It can automatically adapt to the internal characteristic attributes between the merged clusters, and can automatically determine the number of clusters and the cluster termination points. Thus it is found that arbitrary shape clustering algorithm is easy to ignore the density peak point in the sparse density region. In this paper, we find the point which is far away from other high density points as the density peak point. Then, the data set is cut into a large number of initial subclusters according to these density peaks. Moreover, the obtained subcluster is more correct. 3) the global uniform distance parameter is used for the density clustering method, which is not conducive to the problem of large density difference data sets. In this paper, the low density subclusters are filtered out by stratifying the low density data sets and the high density data sets. Set the appropriate distance parameters to cluster to solve the above problem. The experimental results on the test data set and the real data set show that the algorithm can automatically determine the number of clustering. It can find the clustering of arbitrary shape and size effectively and is robust to the selection of input parameters. It is also suitable for data sets with uneven density distribution and so on.
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