本文关键词: Android客户端 失物招领 匹配算法 MVC SpringMVC MySQL 出处:《内蒙古大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着校园面积的扩大,学生和老师经常来往于不同的场所和校区,加之教师和学生携带东西的数量和各种活动的增多,很容易发生物品丢失无法及时找回以及捡拾到的东西无处归还的情况。在分析调查了校园移动智能化的使用情况以及现有传统失物招领平台和一些网站型失物招领平台的不足之后,建立一个高效、简捷,能缩短找回失物时间的失物招领手机APP对促进和谐校园文化的发展起着很大的作用。在此背景下,本论文设计实现了一款功能完善的基于Android的高效校园失物招领平台。用户在客户端实现登录、注册、搜索拾物、失物和拾物的发布、评论点赞、分享、失物匹配、查看信息、积分兑换、个人信息管理的功能。系统管理员在后台实现对用户、捡拾信息、物品类别、校园地址、信息统计的管理。本系统在架构上采用了 Android客户端、服务器端和MySql数据库的三层架构,使信息的交互不再依赖于浏览器。客户端使用MVC框架,服务器端主要针对后台管理员,采用SpringMVC基于方法设计的分层体系框架,让所有的业务逻辑都由Spring容器来管理,配置文件里的DispatcherServlet提供了SpringMVC的集中访问点,并且负责不同职责的分配,使程序更容易定制。
[Abstract]:With the expansion of campus area, students and teachers often travel to and from different places and campuses, in addition, teachers and students carry things and increase the number of activities. It is very easy to lose things and find things in time and find out where they can be returned. After analyzing and investigating the use of campus mobile intelligence and the existing traditional lost and found platforms and some web site-type lost and found out, the article analyzes and investigates the situation of the use of campus mobile intelligence and the existing traditional lost and found platforms and some websites. After the lack of a platform. The establishment of an efficient, simple, can shorten the lost property time lost and found mobile phone APP to promote the development of a harmonious campus culture plays a great role in this context. This paper designs and implements a functional and efficient campus lost and found platform based on Android. Users can login, register, search for objects, lost property and find things in the client. Sharing, lost and property matching, viewing information, points exchange, personal information management functions. System administrators in the background to achieve the user, pick up information, items category, campus address. Information statistics management. This system adopts the three-tier architecture of Android client, server and MySql database. The interaction of information is no longer dependent on the browser. The client uses the MVC framework, the server is mainly aimed at the backstage administrator, and the hierarchical architecture based on the SpringMVC method is adopted. Let all business logic be managed by the Spring container, and the DispatcherServlet in the configuration file provides a centralized access point for the SpringMVC. And responsible for the assignment of different responsibilities, making the program easier to customize.
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