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发布时间:2018-02-04 12:00

  本文关键词: 高职院校 形势与政策 网络教学方法 出处:《河北师范大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At the National Conference on ideological and political work in Colleges and Universities held in 2016, President Xi Jinping pointed out: "it is necessary to use new media and new technology to make the work live, and to promote the integration of traditional advantages of ideological and political work with information technology." In order to respond to the call, colleges and universities, including higher vocational colleges, are carrying out ideological and political curriculum reform, among which the "situation and Policy" curriculum reform is part of it. Many colleges and universities seek to make use of technological advantages to promote the teaching reform of the course "situation and Policy". Network teaching is a new teaching means and teaching tool brought to education by "Internet". The application of network teaching in the course of situation and Policy in higher vocational colleges provides a new idea for the reform of education and teaching, in order to make the research more scientific and authentic. The author takes Shijiazhuang Railway Vocational and Technical College as the background to further deepen the education and teaching reform, according to the current situation and policy of the school's teaching status. Combined with the network teaching platform to design the network teaching method of the course "situation and Policy", and choose the content of a chapter of the course as a specific case design. This study constructs and designs the network teaching method. It can provide teaching ideas and teaching methods for front-line teachers and help solve the problems in network teaching. It has a high reference value. At the same time, it also provides a reference method for the network teaching of "situation and Policy" course. This research is divided into six parts, the specific content is as follows: the first part is the introduction, mainly describes the research background. The second part is to define the concept of network teaching, summarize the characteristics of network teaching and its advantages in classroom teaching. The third part analyzes the present situation of the course of situation and Policy in higher vocational colleges. And combined with Shijiazhuang Railway Vocational and Technical College of the actual teaching situation summed up the specific problems. 4th part of the network teaching method research. The 5th part is designed for the network teaching method, which is based on the background of the teaching reform of Shijiazhuang Railway Vocational and Technical College, focusing on the analysis of the current teaching situation of the school. Teaching reform program and students' characteristics; Based on the above practical situation, this paper designs a one-semester network teaching scheme of "situation and Policy" course, which is divided into three parts: real time classroom, network classroom and Internet learning. And select the content of a chapter in the course of "situation and Policy" for a specific case design; Finally, through the first line of teachers to summarize the expected results of network teaching and problems. 6th as the conclusions and prospects, mainly elaborated the summary and shortcomings of this study. At the same time, the prospect of network teaching in the course of situation and Policy in higher Vocational Colleges is put forward.


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