本文关键词: 目标跟踪 金字塔LK光流法 光流信息 Kalman预估器 SVT 出处:《江西理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Target tracking is suitable for every aspect of our life and plays a very important role in industrial production. The goal of target tracking is to locate the current position of the target continuously through video sequences. The difficulty lies in the change of target attitude and background in the tracking process. This paper mainly discusses the application of optical flow method to target tracking framework. Optical flow method is an important algorithm in target tracking. At the same time, it is also a method to solve the motion parameters of the target in the image plane by using the optical flow equation, because the constraint condition of the optical flow equation is insufficient. Many optical flow methods based on other hypotheses have been proposed. In this paper, the optical flow method is deeply analyzed, and the most widely used pyramid LK optical flow method is used as the basis, and several points for optimization are found. The main work of this paper is as follows: 1) the definition and basic framework of the optical flow method for target tracking are expounded, and the theoretical basis of the optical flow method is the optical flow equation. And it can be divided into dense optical flow and sparse optical flow, which shows that this method is based on feature point matching. The principles and shortcomings of the characteristic points and optical flow methods are summarized. Two optical flow methods with good performance are introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two optical flow methods are compared. It explains the necessity of further optimizing the correlation algorithm. 2) aiming at the error of optical flow matching in occlusion. The LK optical flow method is difficult to distinguish between the target and the background feature points in the complex dynamic background in which the background and the shooting equipment are moving simultaneously, which combines the characteristics of the target tracking framework. An optimal tracking algorithm based on Kalman predictor and LK feature point optical flow information is presented. Firstly, the state vector is defined to filter the target feature points. After that, in order to improve the matching accuracy of optical flow method in occlusion, the Kalman predictor is used to optimize. The experimental results show that the optimization algorithm performs well in slow or fast moving scenes. And it ensures that the tracking accuracy will not be reduced when there is occlusion.) the score of SVT tracking algorithm based on SVM kernel can not distinguish the adjacent interference. Optical flow method and SVT tracking algorithm are very sensitive to occlusion. An improved scheme combining optical flow equation with SVT is presented. Firstly, the overdetermined equation is established by using optical flow equation and SVT. The obtained motion parameters are robust to the same kind of interference, and the motion parameters are estimated by using Kalman estimation algorithm to ensure that the score of the trainer is not low under occlusion. The experimental results show that. When tracking vehicles on the road, the improved method can avoid the interference of other vehicles near the target and improve the tracking accuracy of the vehicle in partial occlusion.
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