本文选题:用户体验 切入点:智能手机 出处:《天津工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着智能手机的不断普及,我国移动通讯技术的发展在经历了 2G、3G一直到现如今的4G。手机用户的使用习惯也随着通讯技术的不断发展,发生了巨大的改变,同时也促进着移动互联网生态系统的逐步形成。截至2015年12月中国手机网民规模达6.20亿。手机在使大家的工作生活变得更加快捷的同时也丰富了人们娱乐方面的需求。手机网民利于手机进行的娱乐活动大致有:游戏,视频,阅读和音乐这几个大类,其中其中手机音乐是使用活动中占比例最大的一个部分。现如今,移动互联网作为一种新的媒介,引领着智能手机未来的发展方向,智能手机成为移动互联网中的一项重要产业。手机音乐随着数字音乐技术和手机技术的发展而衍生,受益于智能手机普及,手机音乐已进入快速发展阶段,手机音乐APP已经成为手机音乐行业增长的主力军。由于智能手机APP市场竞争性的激烈,使得用户体验成为了衡量一款APP产品成功与否的重要指标之一。如何将用户体验的设计流程融入到智能手机APP界面设计研发的每一个环节,以及将这些理论具体的应用到手机音乐APP的设计研发中去,是本文所要解决的问题。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the increasing popularity of smart phones, the development of mobile communication technology in China has experienced 2GG 3G to 4G.The usage habits of mobile phone users have also undergone tremendous changes with the continuous development of communication technology. At the same time, it is also promoting the gradual formation of the mobile internet ecosystem. As of December 2015, the number of mobile phone users in China reached 620 million. Mobile phone not only makes people's work and life faster, but also enriches people's entertainment. Demand. Mobile phone users are conducive to mobile phone entertainment activities are: games, Video, reading and music are the main categories, among which mobile phone music is the largest part of the activity. Nowadays, the mobile Internet, as a new medium, is leading the future development of smart phones. Smartphone has become an important industry in the mobile Internet. With the development of digital music technology and mobile phone technology, mobile phone music has entered a stage of rapid development. Mobile music APP has become the main force in the growth of the mobile music industry. Due to the fierce competition in the smartphone APP market, The user experience has become one of the important indicators to measure the success of a APP product. How to integrate the design process of user experience into every link of APP interface design of smart phone, And the application of these theories to the design and development of mobile music APP is the problem to be solved in this paper.
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