本文选题:互联网金融理财 切入点:设计 出处:《江西财经大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Internet finance has a huge amount of data, which is closer to users than other financial methods, and pays more attention to the personal experience of users. At the same time, it has opened up new ideas for the development of financial institutions and effectively improved the security of Internet finance. To ensure the security of Internet transactions. Now people have become more and more good at using mobile phones to surf the Internet, shop and browse products. Therefore, the financial platform on the mobile phone can expand the business of the company and increase the company's popularity. The development of financial platform has an important impact on the efficiency of the company, so this paper specially studied the development of financial platform of android system. This paper explores the establishment of an Internet financial management platform and a set of efficient, practical and secure financial APPs. The system requires that the system be able to meet the constraints and management of national laws and regulations. And can effectively support the development of Internet finance, will focus on sales as the core, around the practicality and security of products, to ensure the development of the system function is perfect, has the use value. Proceeding from the current situation of foreign research, this paper makes a detailed introduction to the development of Internet finance, hoping to standardize the business process of the system, analyze the system in detail, and according to the needs of users, This paper clarifies the characteristics of the system, finally develops the system we need, and uses the code to compile the system, and completes the subsequent functional testing. This research has used many kinds of management methods synthetically, has carried on the consummation to the system function in detail by using the UML tool, at the same time has designed the new database using the Visio, has guaranteed the system function to be realized completely, In order to make the function of the designed system more stable, we also carried out the function test and stability test to ensure that the system has a good user experience. The system designed this time is simple, simple and clear, and has a good promotion value.
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