本文选题:机械装配车间 切入点:kitting物料配送模式 出处:《合肥工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The problem of material distribution in mechanical assembly workshop is a subject that many scholars devote themselves to research.The material distribution mode is divided into two types, the difference lies in whether the line side warehouse is the material requirement center.The traditional material distribution mode has the line side storehouse, while the kitting material distribution mode needs the material box with the parts and components to flow along the assembly line with the product.In this paper, the application of kitting material distribution mode in mechanical assembly workshop is discussed in order to realize the better implementation of kitting material distribution mode in mechanical assembly workshop.First of all, this paper briefly summarizes the application of kitting material distribution model, and describes the significance of this research.On the basis of analyzing and summing up the characteristics of material distribution mode, this paper makes a detailed comparison and analysis between kitting material distribution mode and other modes, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.Secondly, some key problems in the implementation of kitting material distribution mode are studied, and the principles of kitting material distribution, such as the accuracy guarantee of the material selection and the division of assembly line area, are discussed, respectively, from the aspects of the principle of kitting material distribution, the selection principle of BOMKITing-box material, and the division of assembly line area, etc.The purpose is to make the kitting material distribution mode to get better implementation.Then, the mathematical model of kitting material distribution time is established, and the solution function of kitting material distribution time is obtained by analyzing the relationship between the quantity of kitting-box and time distribution, and the simulation method is used to verify it.Finally, based on the content of this paper, a kitting material distribution management system based on FTPC platform is developed.The function module of the system is analyzed and designed in detail, and the architecture of the system is described.Finally, the system is implemented in order to better coordinate the application of kitting material distribution mode in mechanical assembly workshop.
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