本文选题:哈希学习 + 图像检索 ; 参考:《山东大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of society and economy, Internet technology has played an increasingly important role in our daily work and life, and with the popularity of electronic devices and social media, multimedia data (text, images, video and so on) are growing rapidly. The image is more profound because of its rich content and strong expression. It is popular with people and presents an exponential growth trend, which brings some challenges to the retrieval and storage of images. The nearest neighbor algorithm is the classic method of information retrieval, but it is very difficult to carry out accurate nearest neighbor search in large-scale data. In order to solve this problem, the approximate nearest neighbor search algorithm is widely used. Because of its high efficiency, relatively low complexity and relatively accurate results, this algorithm has become a hot topic in academic research in recent years. For similarity retrieval, the traditional method is to use the original characteristics of data to measure the similarity. When the data is small, the method is better. As the increase and the increase of feature dimension, feature matching is no longer applicable because of its high computational complexity. At the same time, it poses a great challenge to the storage performance of the equipment. The similarity retrieval method based on hash technology maps the data feature information of the original space to the two-dimensional Haim space, while maintaining the local characteristics and semantic information of the original data as much as possible. By calculating the Haim distance between the hash code 22, the approximate nearest neighbor retrieval can quickly return the retrieval results. The hash method has a linear retrieval complexity and can greatly reduce the storage cost by converting the data into a compact binary hash code, which makes use of storage space more efficiently and improves the performance of the storage device. Therefore, the hash method has high performance and can be better applied to large-scale data retrieval tasks. In the learning process, the Hashi method can be divided into two categories: unsupervised and supervised methods. The purpose of supervising Hashi method is to make full use of the characteristics and labels of the training data in the Hashi code learning process, so that the Hashi code can keep the semantic characteristics of the original data, thus relative to the unsupervised Hashi. The method is more accurate and can be used in some practical applications. There are many supervised hash methods that have been studied and some have good results. But most hash methods are used to do retrieval tasks and not to be used for classification. In other words, we are not able to use hash code to predict data. Even if Hashima itself contains rich semantic information, it is a great loss of information. And if we can categorize the hash code directly with hash code, the hash method plays a higher value in the actual project. In this case, we propose a supervised hash learning method that can be used for the label prediction. This hash method can combine semantic label information with hash code. The hash code learned has rich semantic information, and uses the learned mapping matrix and hash code to predict the label of the retrieved data directly. This method first guarantees the consistency of the label and keeps the class graph similarity at the same time. The hash function is studied, and a hash code is learned by minimizing the quantization error between hash and hash functions. An iterative optimization method is proposed. The method is tested on three image data sets and compared with the concentrated hash method which has a better effect at present. The experimental results show that no matter in the image retrieval, the hash method is also compared. But, only a few pictures in real life have labels on themselves, but most of them have no label information. How to use a small amount of label information to search in large images is a problem of semi supervised hash method. Now many of them are concerned about the hash method. In order to better optimize the target function, semi supervised hash method often uses a method of threshold relaxation and then continuous data threshold, so there will be some information loss. In order to make better use of the features of the image itself, many methods use the similarity matrix to maintain similarity, and the similarity matrix is generally n x n We propose a semi supervised graph cut hash algorithm, which can optimize the hash code directly by using the optimization method of graph cut to reduce the loss of information caused by relaxation. We have done a dimensionality reduction and speeded up the speed of calculation. We carried out an experiment on two data sets. The experimental results show that the semi supervised graph cut hash is better than the other hash methods on the partial label.
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