本文选题:合同管理系统 + ASP.NET ; 参考:《天津大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development and deep application of network technology, great changes have taken place in both the business environment and the management of institutions. Contract management has gradually become the basic work in enterprise management, which directly affects the operation of the whole project and the realization of the ultimate goal. Therefore, it is necessary to create a contract management system guided by enterprise demand, so that enterprises can effectively manage contract information and provide continuous and rapid development power for enterprises. Based on the research of contract management requirements and the idea of software engineering, a contract management system based on ASP.NET technology is proposed in this paper. Firstly, by investigating the needs of employees, customers and enterprise leaders, it defines the four functional requirements of the system, namely, contract information management, customer information management, statistical analysis management and system information management. Then the object oriented analysis method is used to analyze the function and describe the use cases in the form of function modules, so as to determine the design direction of the whole system framework, and to describe the physical implementation scheme from the hardware and software aspects. In addition, the database and the program flow of the system are described in detail. Finally, the complete contract management system of contract drafting, contract execution, contract signing and contract termination is completed.
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