本文选题:立信学院 + 毕业论文 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the extensive application of campus network technology, the information management system is widely applied in colleges and universities to realize the systematic management of educational administration, the level of resource management and the efficiency of work are effectively promoted, and the information process of colleges and universities accelerates year by year. Lixin College is attached to the Shanghai Education Commission of the full-time ordinary institutions of higher learning, nearly 10,000 students. With the expansion of college enrollment, the number of graduates increases year by year, the requirements of graduation thesis and graduation practice are higher, and the difficulty of management increases year by year. The realization of information management can not only improve the efficiency and quality of educational administration management, but also greatly promote the process of campus digital construction. Firstly, this paper briefly introduces the background and significance of the system research and development, analyzes the current situation of the application of graduation thesis and graduation practice management system in colleges and universities, secondly, summarizes the system related research and development technology. Finally, the system flow design, system module construction and system function development are described. The system adopts the three-tier structure of B / S browser / Server, realizes Web access through open source and fast Apache server, selects MySQL as back-end database support, establishes database connection through ODBC technology, and uses phpMyAdmin to manage database. After the completion of the system, the test results show that the system function is normal, the structure is reasonable, the interface is friendly, meets the system design needs, and achieves the management goal. The development and application of graduation thesis and practice management system, aiming at the management characteristics of our school, effectively standardizes each link in the process of graduation management, which provides the technical guarantee for improving the management level of graduation thesis and graduation practice.
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