本文选题:电子商务 + 网上商城 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:电子商务的蓬勃发展,使得互联网+思维模式日益风靡,现在越来越多的商家也推出了自己的电子商务销售平台。经过对国内外图书电子商务平台发展近况的深入分析后,本文设计和实现了一套书香易购商城网站系统。系统基于主流的三层框架技术,采用PHP语言和My SQL数据库进行开发。系统设计中基于UML建模思想,使用用例图和用例文本定义用户需求,明确系统边界和业务功能;使用数据字典和ER图分析系统数据,设计数据库;使用系统顺序图描述业务逻辑,定义系统架构和核心功能;使用流程图进行详细设计,展示事件流程和核心业务模块。系统主要功能有:1.图书业务管理。包括在线图书展示:对于图书产品进行封面、目录的细节展示;在线业务洽谈:买家可以通过在线客服窗口进行具体问题的沟通、洽谈;图书购买:对于合适的产品先添至购物车,接着结算并在线支付;图书管理:系统管理员及超级管理员可对系统进行图书信息更新及维护。2.会员管理。包括会员级别设置:系统根据用户消费额度升级用户为一定级别的会员,级别高优惠多;打折促销管理:管理员可以通过系统对商品进行打折促销设置。3.配送方式管理。管理员可以根据不同区地设置不同的物流配送价格和时间,为用户提供参考。4.其他管理。包括投票调查:用户投票选择自己喜欢的书目类别,便于企业下一步的市场调整;信息发布:系统超级管理员通过网站的通告模块可以发布活动通知。系统测试及用户使用表明,该商城满足了图书网上销售用户的需求,能节约销售成本和增强顾客体验。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of electronic commerce, the mode of Internet thinking is becoming more and more popular, and now more and more businesses have launched their own e-commerce sales platform. After deeply analyzing the development of domestic and foreign e-business platform, this paper designs and implements a website system of book-fragrance shopping mall. The system is based on the mainstream three-tier framework technology, using PHP language and my SQL database to develop. In the system design, based on the idea of UML modeling, the use case diagram and use case text are used to define the user's requirements, to define the system boundary and the business function, to use the data dictionary and ER diagram to analyze the system data, and to design the database. The system sequence diagram is used to describe the business logic, the system architecture and core functions are defined, and the flow chart is used to design the event flow and the core business module. The main functions of the system are: 1. Book business management. Including online book display: for book products cover, catalogue details display; online business negotiations: buyers can be through online customer service window for specific issues of communication, negotiation; Book purchase: for the right products first add to the shopping cart, then settle and pay online; Book management: system administrator and super administrator can update and maintain the system information. 2. Membership management. Including member level settings: the system according to the user consumption quota upgrade users to a certain level of members, the level of high concessions; discount promotion management: administrators can be through the system for discounted sales promotion settings. 3. Distribution management. Administrator can set different logistics distribution price and time according to different districts, to provide users with reference. 4. Other management Including voting survey: users vote to choose their favorite categories of bibliography, which is convenient for the next market adjustment; Information release: the system super administrator can publish the activity notification through the announcement module of the website. The system test and user use show that the mall can meet the needs of online book sales users, save sales costs and enhance customer experience.
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