本文选题:虚拟教室 + 硕士教育 ; 参考:《天津大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, the demand for high-level talents is more and more vigorous, especially in the education of master's level. At present, the master's education in most schools is still in the traditional mode, and the teachers are mainly taught in the classroom. The communication between daily students and teachers is mainly carried out through the classroom, which to some extent affects the quality of master's education. Through the virtual classroom platform of master's education, students' online examinations are organized so as to avoid the time-consuming and laborious process of traditional examinations. It is necessary to organize more manpower, and the test paper is determined by some teachers, the fairness of the test paper is open to discussion, and the test paper is sealed and stored after assessment, so it can not be reused. The main research content of this thesis is to design and develop the virtual classroom platform of master's education. The concrete report includes the concrete use background of the virtual classroom platform of master's education and the development significance of the system, mainly uses the Java related technology to carry on the concrete development, through the system stratification situation carries on the detailed processing to the system, mainly divides into the performance layer, The service processing layer and the data layer are three layers, each layer adopts different technology to develop, the presentation layer uses JSP technology and so on, the service processing layer mainly adopts servlet technology, the concrete database storage adopts MySQL database technology; After determining the virtual classroom platform of master's education, the detailed system design, development and testing process are carried out according to the specific requirement analysis. The methods adopted are mainly object-oriented development method, use case diagram, class diagram, etc. Activity diagram and other methods are used to design and implement each function module in detail. The database is designed by the third normal form, and a MySQL database management system based on B / S structure is established. It mainly adopts Eclipse integrated development environment to develop, and provides the degree of information of graduate education through the virtual classroom platform of information master education.
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