本文选题:电力营销 + 移动平台 ; 参考:《大连理工大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Electric power marketing should focus on the demand of electricity customers and provide customers with safe, reliable, qualified and economical electricity products. The electric power marketing business under the new situation also requires considerate, convenient and satisfactory service for customers. However, the traditional electric power marketing mode is still adopted in the electric power marketing business, which can not meet the requirements of customers' convenience and rapidity. Based on the research background of Dalian electric power marketing business, this paper puts forward the optimized content of electric power marketing business. By introducing advanced technology and designing a more convenient electric power marketing system, it can provide more convenient services for the majority of power consumers and create more benefits for power enterprises. Firstly, the paper analyzes the basic content of electric power marketing business, emphasizes the particularity of electric power marketing business, points out the shortcomings of traditional marketing business through the analysis of traditional marketing business, and puts forward the solutions to the related problems. Secondly, based on the author's actual work and current marketing situation, the paper analyzes the relevant contents of power marketing application system optimization, puts forward the design of the mobile platform electric power marketing system, and develops the online business application process. The data information system based on GIS is designed, the marketing mode of charging station of electric vehicle is designed, the electric power marketing platform of WeChat is carried out, and the management of line loss is strengthened. Finally, the paper analyzes the mobile platform power marketing system design and line loss management system design. In the design of power marketing system of mobile platform, the security design and the function design of each part of the system are analyzed. At the level of security design, the encryption measures from the network transmission end to the hardware terminal and the user landing terminal are designed. In the aspect of function realization, the overall function of the system is designed, and the design of the expanding report subsystem, the management system of on-the-spot copying, the general management system of electricity consumption and the management system of measuring equipment are introduced emphatically. The power marketing system of mobile platform can meet the requirements of the marketing personnel not limited by the location, and greatly improve the efficiency of the marketing staff. In the design of the detailed on-line loss management system, the overall structure of the line loss management scheme is designed, the hardware design and deployment of the system and the software design of the system are analyzed, and the hardware deployment structure diagram and the software system architecture diagram are given. Finally, an anti-electricity stealing module with RN8209 as the core is designed, through which the electricity stealing behavior can be effectively detected.
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