本文选题:本体 + OWL ; 参考:《西安工业大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,伴随着信息科学技术的高速发展,以信息和知识为基础的知识经济悄然来临。在这个知识就是企业生存和发展关键要素的背景下,BD公司依然存在研发知识积累零散、研发知识共享困难、研发人员创新能力不足、研发效率低下、研发周期长等问题。面对这些实际问题,需要为BD公司建立一个信息化程度高的研发知识库管理信息系统,对公司内的研发知识进行收集、梳理和管理,以此提高研发效率并缩短研发周期,使其能够快速适应当前复杂的市场环境。在本文BD公司研发知识库管理信息系统设计与开发过程中,首先引入了本体理念及其相关技术,用本体语言OWL和本体编辑工具Protege4.3来描述和注释研发知识中概念和概念间的属性关系,构建BD公司研发知识本体模型并通过Jena完善了研发知识推理规则;其次运用UML图对BD公司研发知识库管理信息系统的参与者与关注点进行需求性分析;然后对BD公司研发知识库管理信息系统的架构、数据库和系统的运行进行了详细设计,架构设计中主要采用了 ASP.NETMVC框架,数据库设计中主要从数据库的概念结构和逻辑结构两部分进行;接着又从数据权限控制、基于本体推理的知识共享、知识智能推送和信息集成处理几个方面对知识库系统运行进行详细设计,最后在VisualStudio2012集成开发环境下,采用C#语言开发出具有知识存储、知识共享、知识智能推送等多功能的研发知识库管理信息系统,并且对此知识库进行了功能和非功能测试。通过建立BD公司研发知识库管理信息系统对研发知识的不断积累和应用,满足了BD公司研发人员对研发知识的检索和学习要求,凭此提高了研发效率,缩短了研发周期,增强了公司在市场中的竞争力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the rapid development of information science and technology, the knowledge-based economy based on information and knowledge is coming quietly. Under the background that the knowledge is the key element of enterprise survival and development, BD company still has problems such as scattered R & D knowledge accumulation, difficulty in sharing R & D knowledge, insufficient innovation ability of R & D personnel, low R & D efficiency, long R D cycle and so on. Faced with these practical problems, it is necessary to establish a highly information-based knowledge base management information system for BD company, collect, comb and manage the research and development knowledge in the company, so as to improve the efficiency of research and development and shorten the research and development cycle. So that it can quickly adapt to the current complex market environment. In the process of designing and developing knowledge base management information system of BD company, the ontology concept and its related technology are introduced. The ontology language owl and ontology editing tool Protege4.3 are used to describe and annotate the relationship between concepts and concepts in R & D knowledge. The ontology model of R & D knowledge of BD company is constructed and the reasoning rules of R & D knowledge are improved through Jena. Secondly, UML diagrams are used to analyze the participants and concerns of BD company's R & D knowledge base management information system, and then the architecture, database and system operation of BD company's R & D knowledge base management information system are designed in detail. In the architecture design, ASP. Net MVC framework is used, the database design is mainly from the conceptual structure and logical structure of the database, and then from the data rights control, knowledge sharing based on ontology reasoning. Knowledge intelligence push and information integration process are used to design the operation of knowledge base system in detail. Finally, in Visual Studio 2012 integrated development environment, the knowledge storage and knowledge sharing are developed by using C # language. A multi-function knowledge base management information system, such as knowledge intelligence push, is developed, and the function and non-function of the knowledge base are tested. Through the continuous accumulation and application of R & D knowledge base management information system of BD Company, it meets the requirements of R & D knowledge retrieval and learning for R & D personnel of BD Company, thereby improving the R & D efficiency and shortening the R & D cycle. Enhanced the company's competitiveness in the market.
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