[Abstract]:With the development of media, micro-learning is becoming an important way to get information and improve people's ability. Facing the complicated information world, how to critically receive, choose and make decisions has become one of the urgent problems for primary and secondary school teachers and their researchers to solve. Based on the questionnaire and quasi-experimental research, this paper tries to establish a general micro-course model, and on this basis, forms a critical thinking micro-course for primary and middle school students, and then tests the practical effect of this micro-course on education and teaching. This paper consists of four main parts. The main contents are as follows: the first part, the microcurriculum design of critical thinking in primary and secondary schools. Through the analysis of the learning object, the course content, the teaching content and the teaching strategy are determined to form a coherent and orderly teaching event. In addition, after determining the type of microcourse, two main contents of micro-video design and micro-video aided design are discussed. The resources of micro-curriculum are designed rationally, and the application and evaluation effect of micro-curriculum are clarified. The second part, critical thinking micro-video production in primary and secondary schools. On the basis of PowerPoint, making full use of Flash and talkative software, we can reasonably choose the development tool of micro-course, so that the graph, text and sound can be combined into one. Collect, collate micro-video data, material, form a unique script description. The concept of micro-course is run through the whole teaching process of critical thinking course of primary and middle school students, the content of critical thinking course is divided reasonably, and a series of courseware related to it is made. Using WeChat, campus network platform and so on, output and release micro video, so that primary and middle school students can repeatedly watch and learn critical thinking related content. The third part, the critical thinking micro-video quality test and modification. The video quality of the critical thinking series is tested and the suggestions for revision are put forward. The fourth part, the application and effect of critical thinking microcurriculum resources in primary and secondary schools. According to the suggestions made above, the questionnaire is modified, and the micro-video is adjusted appropriately, and the application effect of the micro-course is tested.
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