发布时间:2018-07-30 06:26
【摘要】:辅助输入模型是弹性泄露密码学中一个重要的泄露模型,它定义了一族不可逆的函数去模拟一类密钥泄露的情况.目前已有的抗辅助输入公钥加密方案(PKE)、身份基加密方案(IBE)都是选择明文攻击安全(CPA-secure)的,文中提出了一个抗辅助输入选择密文攻击安全(CCA-secure)的PKE方案.方案的构造使用了Qin等人在亚密2013提出的一次泄露过滤函数(one-time lossy filter),并利用Goldreich-Levin定理构造抗辅助输入的核心部分.方案的CCA安全证明利用了一次泄露过滤函数的泄露模式,在此模式下,由于仅泄露少量的私钥信息,因而攻击者对私钥依然存在很大的不确定性,其查询非法的密文会被挑战者以高概率拒绝.
[Abstract]:The auxiliary input model is an important leak model in elastic leak cryptography. It defines a family of irreversible functions to simulate a class of key leaks. The existing anti-auxiliary input public-key encryption schemes (PKE), ID-based encryption schemes (IBE) are all selective plaintext attack security (CPA-secure). In this paper a PKE scheme against auxiliary input selective ciphertext attack (CCA-secure) is proposed. The scheme uses the primary leakage filter function (one-time lossy filter),) proposed by Qin et al in Yami 2013 and uses Goldreich-Levin theorem to construct the core part of the anti-auxiliary input. The CCA security proof of the scheme utilizes the leak mode of a leak filter function. In this mode, the attacker still has a lot of uncertainty about the private key because only a small amount of private key information is leaked. Its search for illegal ciphertext will be rejected by the challenger with a high probability.
【作者单位】: 南京邮电大学计算机学院;广西大学计算机与电子信息学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(61373006,61202353,61272422) 安徽大学信息保障技术协同创新中心2015年度开放课题资助~~
[Abstract]:The auxiliary input model is an important leak model in elastic leak cryptography. It defines a family of irreversible functions to simulate a class of key leaks. The existing anti-auxiliary input public-key encryption schemes (PKE), ID-based encryption schemes (IBE) are all selective plaintext attack security (CPA-secure). In this paper a PKE scheme against auxiliary input selective ciphertext attack (CCA-secure) is proposed. The scheme uses the primary leakage filter function (one-time lossy filter),) proposed by Qin et al in Yami 2013 and uses Goldreich-Levin theorem to construct the core part of the anti-auxiliary input. The CCA security proof of the scheme utilizes the leak mode of a leak filter function. In this mode, the attacker still has a lot of uncertainty about the private key because only a small amount of private key information is leaked. Its search for illegal ciphertext will be rejected by the challenger with a high probability.
【作者单位】: 南京邮电大学计算机学院;广西大学计算机与电子信息学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(61373006,61202353,61272422) 安徽大学信息保障技术协同创新中心2015年度开放课题资助~~