[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, computer vision has become a hot research content. Target detection and tracking technology is an important research direction of computer vision. Target detection and tracking is that the computer detects the object of interest from the video image sequence through the correlation algorithm, then determines the position information of the target, and describes the shape, velocity and trajectory of the object. At present, target detection and tracking algorithms have been widely used in our life. However, due to the influence of background environment, equipment quality and illumination change, the current target detection and tracking algorithms almost have some limitations, and the effect of target detection and tracking is very poor in the special environment. You can't even track the target. Therefore, it is still an important and difficult research direction to design a target detection and tracking algorithm with good stability, low complexity, high accuracy and strong adaptability. This paper analyzes and summarizes the current research situation at home and abroad, and then studies the single target detection and tracking algorithm of video image. The traditional target detection and tracking algorithm has good real-time performance and is beneficial to tracking. However, when the target changes in scale during the moving process, it will get poor tracking results, which is not only sensitive to the change of target size, but also lack of real-time updating of template. To solve this problem, the shortcomings and shortcomings of traditional target detection and tracking algorithms are improved to obtain better tracking results. The influence of distance weighting and control factors on target detection and tracking is pointed out in this paper. The traditional target tracking algorithm based on Mean-Shift algorithm is improved. By extracting and analyzing the similarity between the edge weighted histogram and the center weighted histogram of the target and the template, the size change of the target can be effectively reflected. Based on this, the kernel function bandwidth adaptation is realized.
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