[Abstract]:With the rapid development of information technology, people attach great importance to the problem of information security. Traditional authentication methods are difficult to carry, easy to be forged, low security and gradually replaced by the new biometric identification technology. Compared with the current mature fingerprint identification technology, finger vein recognition technology, as a new generation of biometric identification technology, has the advantages of in vivo detection, internal characteristics, non-contact, and has a greater potential for development. In the biometric identification system based on fingerprint or finger vein, the quality of the collected image directly affects the overall performance of the recognition system. In this paper, the fusion of fingerprint and digital vein image acquisition and image quality enhancement do the following research: 1. This paper first introduces and analyzes several popular biometric recognition techniques and their merits and demerits, and introduces in detail the image acquisition and image quality assessment in the finger vein recognition technology. Image quality enhancement and market application related development and research status. In this paper, a fingerprint and finger vein image acquisition system is designed and implemented. The system is composed of hardware system and software system. (1) the hardware system is divided into three modules: the core control module based on STM32F407ZGT6 chip, including power interface circuit, serial circuit, etc. Debugging interface circuit, real-time clock interface circuit and so on, a finger vein image sensor device with adjustable light source and controllable image, which mainly includes its external structure, near infrared light source and OV2640 image sensor, etc. Finger fingerprint image acquisition device based on FPC1011F3 sensor. The design process and implementation principle of the hardware system are described in detail, including the selection of processor and peripheral chips, the overall structure and design requirements of the image acquisition device, the working principle of the sensor and the design of the driver, etc. The hardware system has the advantages of low cost, strong expansibility, high real-time performance, clear image acquisition and so on. (2) the software system realizes two functions: one is fingerprint and finger vein image acquisition function, and the other is to communicate with the hardware system by using USB connection line. The other is the enhancement function of vein image quality, which uses software to extract, normalize, filter and enhance the finger vein image. The quality of the original vein image is improved. The test results show that the software system has the advantages of simple interface, high controllability, fast image acquisition speed and obvious image enhancement effect. In order to ensure the image quality of finger vein acquisition system, a new classification method of finger vein image quality based on mixed kernel function SVM is proposed in this paper. The algorithm firstly calculates one and two dimensional eigenvalues in the spatial domain of the finger vein image as a feature vector to describe the image quality, and then classifies the enhanced image quality. It is used to reduce the subjective judgment error of the original image. Finally, a large number of venous image samples are trained by the hybrid kernel function SVM method, which has better generalization performance. The feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm are verified by experiments. It is shown that the hybrid kernel function SVM classifier has better learning and generalization ability for the quality classification of finger vein images.
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