[Abstract]:The arrival of the information age leads to the continuous expansion of enterprise scale, and the communication between employees will become complex. In view of the fact that there is no unified entrance to the internal communication management system of the company, the flow of information cannot be connected, and the management efficiency is low; moreover, there are many branches in various localities, the staff is relatively scattered, the internal communication costs are high, and the information cannot be delivered in time. The company urgently needs a socialized intelligent office platform for instant communication. Corporate office use of high-frequency instant messaging tools such as nailing Slack QQ, WeChat, and so on. The "social intelligent office platform" draws lessons from WeChat, nails the high quality user experience, uses the WebSocket protocol, the user and the service end establish the long connection, has realized the service end continuously to send the message; The session tracking technology is used to realize the sharing of user's Session information and the transmission of cross-page information. As an enterprise communication software, the platform automatically loads the personal information of all employees into the contact list page, and when communicating with the internal staff, the user can initiate a conversation without adding friends, which solves the problem of inefficient management of employees in Slack. The platform is a web version of software, divided into users and administrators of two roles. This paper analyzes and introduces the requirements, function design and implementation of user's angle, including: the login module combines SSO (Single Sign On, single sign-on (SSO) principle to realize the synchronization of one login and multiple sign-on, and the address book supports the creation of group. Management group and other functions, message session support to create sessions, send topics and other functions, file services to upload files, pictures, personal center can be global search, modify personal business cards and other operations. Among them, in the realization of address book module, the facade design pattern is adopted, and the message session module adopts the centralized processing mechanism to receive and send messages. The message processing system forwards the message to the server instance of the recipient. I participated in the completion of the platform market research, prototype design, part of the technical implementation and testing work. This paper focuses on the development of login registration, address book, message session, file service, personal center and other five core modules to be described in detail, including the corresponding requirements analysis, database design, etc. Each module function point realization idea, the class design and the timing design and so on content. This platform is based on Spring MVC development framework, combined with the operation of Mybatis encapsulation to database, storing data information and storing cache information. The front end uses Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript And XML, asynchronous JavaScript and XML) to interact with the server; Gradle plug-in is used to complete the automatic construction of the project; data processing mainly uses Json for data parsing. At present, the first version of the platform has been developed and is in the trial stage, which lays a good foundation for the optimization and expansion of the system in the later stage. The platform enables employees to interact with each other through a unified platform, improve office efficiency, facilitate the collection and sharing of important work information, greatly reduce the cost of communication among employees, and achieve more efficient management of employees.
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