[Abstract]:With the increasing risk of information security in rail transit train operation control system, considering the particularity and complexity of the system, the information security solution of general industrial control system can not be applied to train control system well. At present, the research on information security defense technology of train control system at home and abroad is few and deep, and the characteristics of data driving of train control system are not fully considered. Defense does not combine industry features such as Safety redundancy and Fault-Security. Therefore, under the background of information and network of train control system, it is of great significance to study the active defense technology of information security combined with the characteristics of the system. Based on the above considerations, this paper mainly studies information security modeling and defense policy selection of train control systems. The attack game tree (Attack Countermeasure tree is introduced into the attack and defense modeling of train control system, and the definition of ACT model is revised to better describe the characteristics of the system. On this basis, the information security defense target of train control system is proposed, and the method of selecting optimal active defense strategy is given. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) the current situation of information security in industrial control and train control systems is studied. Taking the communication based train control (Communication-based Train) system based on WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networks as the research object, the information security related contents of train control system, including information security requirements, system network vulnerability, attack surface, are analyzed emphatically. Typical attack and defense technology, especially active defense technology. (2) Information security active defense modeling method based on attack game tree is studied. Firstly, the typical security modeling methods such as attack tree, defense tree, attack defense tree and Bayesian defense graph are analyzed, and their limitations are pointed out. Then the attack game tree and its probability calculation, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are introduced as information security analysis tools, and the ACT model is modified to make it more suitable for the information security modeling of train control system. The modeling steps are given. (3) an optimal policy selection method for information security of train control systems is proposed. Firstly, by analyzing the characteristics and requirements of train control system, the optimal defense target and its formal expression of train control system are put forward, and then based on the attack process of general industrial control system, the attack classification to train control system is given. Then the numerical model of quantitative analysis of attack and defense is determined. Finally, the algorithm of solving the optimal defense strategy based on qualitative and quantitative analysis is given. (4) the application of active defense model and optimal defense strategy selection method. By analyzing the minimum information flow definition system of CBTC system based on WLAN as the analysis object, the ACT model is established, and the optimal strategy considering security and efficiency in the train control system is solved by quantifying the model, and the defense effect is verified. The analysis results show that the active defense model of train control system based on attack game tree presented in this paper can well reflect the interaction of train control system attack, detection and mitigation events. The proposed defense target and optimal strategy selection method can efficiently find out the optimal strategy which accords with the system security and efficiency goals, and can realize the multi-objective optimization. The experimental results show that the proposed method is scientific and efficient.
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