[Abstract]:Target tracking is one of the important research directions in the field of computer vision. It plays an important role in the fields of precision guidance, intelligent video surveillance, human-computer interaction, robot navigation, public safety and so on. The basic problem of target tracking is to select the object of interest in a video or image sequence, find the exact position of the target and form its track in the subsequent successive frames. Target tracking is a challenging problem. The non-rigid changes of the target often change the apparent model of the target, at the same time, the complex illumination changes, the occlusion between the target and the scene. The jamming of similar objects in background and the jitter of camera make target tracking more difficult. In recent years, with the great breakthrough of depth learning in the field of target detection and recognition, many scholars begin to introduce depth learning model into target tracking, and obtain better performance than traditional methods in a series of data evaluation sets. Gradually opened a new chapter in the field of target tracking. In this paper, the difficulties and basic solutions of the target tracking problem are described, and then, according to the different ideas of using the depth learning algorithm to solve the target tracking problem, the current mainstream algorithms are analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of these algorithms and their future working directions are introduced.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院沈阳自动化研究所;中国科学院大学;中国科学院光电信息处理重点实验室;辽宁省图像理解与视觉计算重点实验室;
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