[Abstract]:Motion capture (Motion Capture) is one of the basic research topics in the field of computer vision. It is designed to restore three-dimensional model and detail features in the process of human motion based on the synchronous camera array of multiple different perspectives. It is widely used in the fields of virtual reality (Virtual Reality), digital animation, shadow production and so on. Although the motion recovery of the step camera array has achieved some good results in the reconstruction of 3D model, there are three main problems: the ordinary device can not carry out the data acquisition demand from multiple views and continuous high-speed capture; it is not able to realize automatic segmentation, so it is necessary to manually pick a large number of Mask as input; often it is subject to memory. In this paper, based on the high performance capture system of the human reflection field of Zhejiang University, this paper reconstructs the 3D model of the moving human body through the video sequence collected synchronously and high-speed. Firstly, we designed and built a complete set of automatic 3D reconstruction system based on the same step camera array. It includes data acquisition and calibration, automatic segmentation, construction of VisualHull visible shell, depth recovery, point cloud sampling and 3D model reconstruction. Secondly, a multi clue automatic foreground segmentation method, which combines color, texture, contrast and edge, is proposed. First, foreground is initialized with background difference in gray space, followed by Gr APH Cuts obtains the initial segmentation results, and finally uses Background Cut to reduce the contrast of the background area, and combines the advantages of the three methods well. The experimental results show that the software system we designed is reasonable and effective, not only can restore the high precision of the depth of the fruit and obtain the density controlled point cloud sampling, but also can be used. The proposed multi cues segmentation algorithm, compared with other segmentation methods, can effectively reduce the influence of light and background color similarity on segmentation, and realize high quality automatic segmentation of foreground, which lays the foundation for the reconstruction of self moving 3D model of human body.
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