[Abstract]:It is of great significance to study the visual identification system of insulators and realize the intelligent cleaning of insulators in railway catenary. It is of great significance to eliminate the hidden trouble of pollution flashover and to ensure the stable operation of railway traffic system. In this paper, the support vector machine (Support Vector machine) algorithm based on kernel function is used to establish the insulator visual recognition model, which realizes the detection of insulator image samples. The main research contents are as follows: (1) the insulator feature samples are collected and binary and ROI region are extracted, and the insulator feature samples are established by using the texture feature description operator such as Hugh LBP, H O O Go H a a r, etc. The SVM training model based on linear kernel, radial basis kernel, polynomial kernel and single texture type training model based on linear kernel SVM method are established. The effectiveness of the kernel function based SVM method for insulator identification is verified by comparing the time use and recognition performance of each model. The combination form of multi-core insulator visual recognition model is determined. (3) the influence of parameters on the performance of the final identification model in the kernel function based SVM method is analyzed. The accuracy of model recognition and the number of support vectors are taken as the comprehensive evaluation indexes of the model performance. Based on the analysis of various swarm intelligence optimization algorithms, the differential evolution algorithm is used to optimize the parameters of the SVM kernel function method. The performance of insulator identification model is further improved. (4) using hexagonal lattice calibration board and SVM prediction algorithm, a binocular visual location system for insulator with full horizon sampling is established. The validity of the model is verified by the experimental analysis of the spatial positioning accuracy of the mapping model.
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