基于Liferay Portal技术的企业信息门户研究与实现
[Abstract]:The digital transformation of enterprises is one of the important strategies of large and medium-sized traditional enterprises at home and abroad. How to ensure the sustained stability of large and medium-sized enterprises in the industry and develop in the right direction, the digital transformation of enterprises has played a vital role. Therefore, the enterprise information platform is one of the important components of enterprise digital transformation. The global enterprise Internet competition is becoming more and more intense, the product R & D and production process of the large and medium-sized enterprises is becoming more and more complex, the application scope of the enterprise application system is expanding unceasingly, the function is also becoming more and more complex. If large and medium-sized enterprises want to gain strong competitiveness in the process of global Internet, they must have keen Internet thinking, directly attack the current development trend of large and medium-sized Internet enterprises, and directly attack the technological development direction of large and medium-sized Internet enterprises. Thus for the development of enterprise digital management to provide a strong business service platform. The main research object of this thesis is Liferay Portal technology. Liferay Portal is a kind of information system integration enterprise portal platform based on JSR 286 developed by American Liferay Company. At present, it has been widely recognized by large international organizations and institutions. This paper will focus on the single sign-on technology, security authentication technology, unified user management technology and cluster technology in Liferay Portal technology. On this basis, the construction of information portal for a large enterprise will be completed in combination with the actual project. The related research results not only have certain theoretical value to the research of enterprise information integration technology, but also have important application value to the information system integration construction of large enterprises at present.
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