[Abstract]:The research shows that lung cancer is one of the highest mortality diseases, and the morbidity and mortality of lung cancer are increasing. How to prevent and treat lung cancer has become a problem that must be solved. Through the study of lung cancer cases, early detection of lung cancer symptoms can prolong the survival time of patients, on the contrary, the mortality rate of advanced lung cancer patients is very high. Pulmonary nodules as the main early manifestations of lung cancer, lung nodules segmentation has become an important means of finding lung cancer. In recent years, the active contour model (Active Contour Model,ACM) has been more and more widely studied and applied in the field of medical image segmentation because of its flexible structure, superior performance and various forms. In this paper, the application of active contour model algorithm in medical image segmentation is studied. An improved active contour model (ACM) algorithm is proposed and applied to segmented glass-grinding (Ground Glass Opacity,GGO) pulmonary nodules and vascular adhesion type (Juxta-vascular,JV) pulmonary nodules. Firstly, the defects of local active contour model (Local Region-based Active Contour Model,LRACM) model for segmenting GGO pulmonary nodules include sensitivity to initial contour, low segmentation accuracy and dependent gradient information. In this paper, an improved (Local and global membership based on the active contour model,LGMACM segmentation method based on local and global membership is proposed based on LRACM model. The global membership degree is used to construct the boundary stop function, and the problem of boundary leakage is solved. 2) the data item of the contour model is constructed by using the local membership degree. The contrast between GGO pulmonary nodules and background is enhanced. The global membership degree is used to obtain the initial contour curve, which improves the efficiency and convergence speed of the model. Secondly, the problems of boundary based contour model (Edge-based Active Contour Model,EACM) and region based active contour model (Region-based Active Contour Model,RACM) for segmenting JV pulmonary nodules include boundary leakage, sensitivity to noise, slow convergence rate and inadequate prior knowledge of image. On the basis of EACM and RACM models, an improved segmentation method of active contour model (Fuzzy velocity function based on active contour model,FVFACM) based on fuzzy velocity is proposed in this paper. The segmentation method: 1) constructs two-dimensional vectors of luminance and shape features, and calculates fuzzy membership degree with fuzzy clustering algorithm. The fuzzy velocity function is introduced into the active contour model and the fuzzy velocity is used as the weight coefficient of internal and external energy. Based on the above two changes, the model effectively deals with the problems of boundary leakage, sensitivity to noise and slow convergence rate, and also improves the segmentation accuracy of the model. The experimental results show that the two improved models proposed in this paper can achieve the desired results through the comparison of the experimental simulation results and the statistical data.
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