[Abstract]:Traffic signs are widely used in road traffic, because of the influence of many uncontrollable factors, such as weather and light changes, physical occlusion, motion blur, etc. Accurate detection and rapid identification of traffic signs is a major challenge for researchers. In order to solve the problem of false detection in existing traffic sign detection algorithms, this paper presents a method of traffic sign detection based on gradient direction histogram (HOG-BCNN,Histograms of Oriented Gradients-Boolean Convolutional Neural Network) combined with Boolean convolution neural network (HOG-BCNN,Histograms of Oriented Gradients-Boolean Convolutional Neural Network) and cascaded classifier (Cascade classifier). The method first trains a cascade classifier based on HOG features to extract potential candidate regions from road scene images with traffic signs. These candidate regions will be input to a special CNN, as a suggested window, which is like a Boolean logic to determine whether the window is a traffic sign or not. The Boolean convolution neural network model is used as the last level of cascade classifier to filter the error detection area, thus eliminating the false detection and improving the detection rate. In view of the low efficiency of complex network structure recognition in traffic sign recognition, a fast traffic sign recognition method based on convolution neural network (FTSR-CNN:Fast Traffic Sign Recognition Based on Convolution Neural Network).) is proposed in this paper. In this method, the feature is extracted by convolution kernel sliding filter, the dimension is reduced by pool technique, the network loss is obtained in the process of forward learning, and the stochastic gradient descent method is used to minimize the loss in back propagation. The network performance is optimized by adjusting the parameters and activation function types in the network structure. The experimental results show that the method proposed in this paper can achieve high detection rate and classification accuracy, and ensure the efficiency of detection and recognition. Finally, a traffic sign recognition system is constructed by combining the detection and recognition of traffic signs. The test is carried out on several videos obtained from the CarLog, and the experimental results are very good.
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